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To small of a file

02-15-2013 10:06 AM
Deactivated User
Is there such thing as to small of a shapefile to import?  Like if I have just an interchange on the highway and a little bit extending off of it?  I'm not sure if I'll be able to zoom in close easily or if it's easier to have a little bit bigger area.

It seems when I have a grid size of 100m or bigger, there's no issue, but when I need to go smaller to a grid size of 10, I can't move around as freely.

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2 Replies
Deactivated User
Hi !

Nope, there's no file size minimum and no data size minimum ( segment lengths or such ).

Try using the 'f' key to frame on the selection a LOT while navigating in your scene. I assume your camera's focus point is just too far away sometimes from the stuff you want to see 'in focus'.

ok ?

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Deactivated User

Try using the 'f' key to frame on the selection a LOT while navigating in your scene. I assume your camera's focus point is just too far away sometimes from the stuff you want to see 'in focus'.

That's it excatly.  OK, I'll try framing on what I've selected.  Thanks!
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