I am learning from the trial version, is the lot min area and lot max area in acres?
All units in CE are meters, so
Length = meters
Area = meters squared
Volumes = meters cubed
Hooray for metric. Down with the dark side.
What about if your coord system is 'Raw data in feet' or another non-metric system?
I assume that the coord system that i am importing is adjusting to the metric system when i import it. But to answer your question the raw data that I work with is in feet and acres, not meters.
Is there a way to change the default through preferences or something to feet and acres?
I don't know about preference settings but if you're running the subdivision tool you can do that via python and build in a conversion factor.
Ok, I haven't gotten to that tutorial yet so I will investigate. Thank you for your help!
Hey ..
There's no way to way to set different main units. Meters it is.
CGA is also meter based, e.g. extrude(1) extrudes 1 meter.
I highly recommend to use both CGA and Python only to convert attributes to meters and then work metric.
Matthias Buehler
Head of 3D Technologies
twitter: @MattB3D
Garsdale Design Limited
Ok, thank you
Oh, i have another question, do you know if I can add geo location information to a print screen jpeg? when i imported an aerial, it was not geo located, then imported a shapefile that was City Engine said they were to far apart. How can I resolve that?