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Puma - ArcGIS City Engine

11-30-2022 01:07 AM
New Contributor


Ive been exploring Puma and finding it ever so useful. However, I have a couple of questions regarding the plugin and wondering if I can connect with the developers or anyone else involved in the making or using the app.

  1. The orientation/ shape/continuity of the initial surface seems to matter quite a bit in Puma.khakharKhakhar_0-1669799131163.png


image1257×1073 116 KB


Im using the Complete Streets:Street Start Rule Package as RPK in Puma. I wonder if there is a way to resolve this within the attributes somewhere. Or would that require a tweaking of the RPK in city engine?

  1. In CE, the rule is implemented on an input road centreline. However, in Puma, the initial geometry requires a surface or a closed polyline. Is that intentionally set within the plugin or could that be modified as well by changing the code?

Any response is much appreciated.

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4 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hello Sid

Thank you for your question about using the Complete Streets:Street Start Rule Package as RPK in Puma.

Currently, Puma doesn't support other geometry than flat polygons. It means that the rules like the complete street have to be modified a bit to work with Puma.

This was already done for the showcase scene for the Puma release, and all the rules used in this scene are available to download here:

Alternatively, you can also modify a rule to work with Puma using the CGA Editor in CityEngine, in a similar way.


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New Contributor

Thanks, Thomas. 

I understand. I already went through all the showcase files used in Puma's release and found that the streets and sidewalks RPK only uses flat polygons, hence the question. 

Perhaps I should look into modifying the rule in CGA editor to work with Puma. Although, that'll be a whole new territory for me to explore. Let's see how that goes. Thanks anyway! 


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New Contributor

Hi Thomas,


Apologies for reviving this thread - but by "flat polygons" do you also mean rectangular ones ?
I have been comparing results applied in CityEngine and results applied in Puma on the same irreguar shape, and they vary quite a bit. It seems Puma has a hard time working with non-rectangular shapes. Is there anything I can do to work around this ? 

Expected result, from CityEngine : 

Expected result, in CityEngineExpected result, in CityEngine


Result in Puma :


Wrong result in PumaWrong result in Puma

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Esri Contributor


This is a bug in the current release of Puma. Until this is fixed you can add a cleanupGeometry() at the very start of of your StartRule:


// Your start rule
Init -->
    cleanupGeometry(edges, 0)
    // continue here with your normal code


Let me know if this works for you!


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