We have a problem with using georeferenced dem data (its format is geotiff). We opened the data in arcmap and viewed its heightness truely. (picture.1) Than we opened the data in cityengine as a heightmap and we couldn't see its heightness. (picture.2) Terrain was not shown. What is the reason of that? The data is attached. (We dowloaded the data from http://ws.csiss.gmu.edu/DEMExplorer/)
there's some known issues in the DEM import in CE.
can you do the following : 1] check if all georeferencing metafiles are provided ( .prj & world file ) 2] use the raster calculator [con()] here : http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.1/index.html#//009z000000z7000000 to do the following: a] replace all NaN (noValue) values with the terrain's official lowest point value (-36 in this case) b] replace all 0 values ( exact zero ) with 0.01 Both 'noValue' and '0' values cause some issues in the import. 3] check that your terrain is set up correctly: a] a terrain has a DEM (heightmap) path and a texture path. If you did not set the heightmap path correctly, if defaults back to no elevation ( flat.png )
there's some known issues in the DEM import in CE.
can you do the following : 1] check if all georeferencing metafiles are provided ( .prj & world file ) 2] use the raster calculator [con()] here : http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.1/index.html#//009z000000z7000000 to do the following: a] replace all NaN (noValue) values with the terrain's official lowest point value (-36 in this case) b] replace all 0 values ( exact zero ) with 0.01 Both 'noValue' and '0' values cause some issues in the import. 3] check that your terrain is set up correctly: a] a terrain has a DEM (heightmap) path and a texture path. If you did not set the heightmap path correctly, if defaults back to no elevation ( flat.png )