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My Plint Area. Need Help.

08-02-2012 10:10 PM
Emerging Contributor
Hi all City Engine cga coder 🙂 ...

im trying to create a cga rule for plint area..

this is my idea..

1) i do setback (street) for a lot

setback(setBackRoad) {streetSide: Garten | remainder : Lot2 }

2) I try to split into 4 small lot...
 split(x){ '0.5 : one |   '0.5 : two }      
 split(v, uvSpace, 0) { 0.5 : three}               

But it do not generate like i want

heres the pic [ATTACH=CONFIG]16625[/ATTACH]

its should split v..

how can i save the value of area Splitted in a attr? ive tried but failed...

basically in plint area i have to find remainder area after setbackroad has been applied and building are allowed to build in plint area only.. for example 25% of geometry.area...
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3 Replies
Deactivated User
hi !

first, 3 things :

1] shape copies

if you write :

A -->

you get 2 copies of the incoming shape (A), named B and C which are identical. this is sometimes useful, but not in your case.

if you write :

    split(x){ '0.5 : one |   '0.5 : two }      
    split(v, uvSpace, 0) { 0.5 : three}

you basically first make 2 copies of Lot2. thus you get wrong geometry. what you want is to split 'one' and 'two' further in the opposite direction, so you either need to define a new rule for this or write the same operation in the same line. CGA, in this case, does not go down step by step through each line.

familiarize yourself more with the scope here :

and notice that for splitting in u and v directions, you first need to set the UVs properly first with setupProjection() and projectUV(). but in your case, you rather just want to split in x and z directions.

only Street and Sidewalk shapes have already properly layouted UVs so you can split them nicely. on Lot shapes, I'd never use UV splits.


you can use the so-called 'generic attributes'

define an attr, e.g. :
attr remainingLotArea = 0

then, after the setback where you get the remainder shape, set the attr :
set(remainingLotArea, geometry.area)

after that, you can access this attr in the rest of your code.

hope this helps you further.
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Emerging Contributor
Mathias!! thanks for your reply. yup you were right actually what i need is to split in x and z direction... i didnt notice about z by using split(z) until you mention. here update of my splitting! thanks!!


the geometry.area attr you post here.. i ve used it! it works!! thanks... do you have any idea where can i get more tutorial on city engine T_______T. most of time i use the help ..
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Deactivated User
there's tutorials with help HTML files you can download from within CE.

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