Thanks everyone for your help. I have used the split function in conjunction with the alignScopetoGeometry to achieve what I wanted.

//--- Corner Lot (Right) ---//
frontYardcr -->
alignScopeToGeometry(yUp, largest, 0)
split(z) {~1: rearYardcr | frontSetback: colorGreen}
rearYardcr -->
alignScopeToGeometry(yUp, largest, 2)
split(z) { ~1: sideYard1cr | rearSetback: colorGreen}
sideYard1cr -->
alignScopeToGeometry(yUp, largest, 3)
split(z) { ~1: sideYard2cr | flankageSetback: colorGreen}
sideYard2cr -->
alignScopeToGeometry(yUp, largest, 1)
split(z) { ~1: buildableArea | interiorSetback: colorGreen}