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Height Control Mechanism/Singapore Use Case

02-20-2017 08:00 AM
Deactivated User


  I have a question about the use case presented by the Singapore Urban Authority, creating a development scenario they created those three yellow views that they want to be preserved while developing the new neighborhood, any suggestions how can you create them?

  As well they have a height control mechanism  (screen shot 2) were they conditioned the new development to a certain height, any suggestion how this one can be coded?

Any leads will be much appreciated,

Thank you,


Designing Our Future – Urban Redevelopment Authority - YouTube 

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8 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hello Mihai

Thank you for your question.

The CGA models are controlled by occlusion queries using the inside / overlaps / touches function—Esri CityEngine | ArcGIS Desktop .

I created a simple building rule that checks from top to bottom for floors outside an envelop and colors them red.

version "2017.1"

attr LOD = 1
attr maxFloors = 50
attr floorheight = 4

Lot --> offset(-3)
     comp(f) { inside: Initial }
Initial --> extrude(maxFloors*floorheight)

     case overlaps(inter, "limit"):
          split(y){~1:FloorSplit | floorheight: Outside} 
          case LOD < 1: Mass
          else: split(y){~1:FloorSplit | floorheight:  Floor}

Mass--> color("#0000ff")

Floor--> color("#00ff00") report("Floos",1)

Outside--> color("#ff0000") // or NIL

Here is an example how to create an view shed occluder, just draw a shape and add this rule:

version "2017.1"

attr height = 100

Occluder --> extrude(world.up,height)

Finally a slope occluder to control the height of a building. Just draw a shape representing an area that shall be visible from a given angle and add this rule:

version "2017.1"

attr angle = 30
attr dist = 500

Waterfront --> extrude(world.up.flatTop,0)
     comp(f) { top = Top }

Top --> extrude(world.up,1)
     comp(f) { side= Sides }

Sides --> extrude(vertex.normal, dist)
    comp(f) { back: Slope | all: NIL }
Slope  -->     roofShed(angle)
     comp(f) {      vertical: NIL |
                    bottom: NIL |
                    all:     Occluder }
Occluder --> extrude(world.up,-1)

Deactivated User


Many thanks for the clarifications, I will start implementing them see what comes out.


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Emerging Contributor

Hi Thomas,

I tried using the code you have provided. But doesn't generates like you have shown in screenshots. Does occlusion works in same parcel/footprint .

Code Used 

Code_1.cga :- 

version "2016.1"

attr LOD = 1
attr maxFloors = 50
attr floorheight = 4

     comp(f) { inside: Initial }

     case overlaps(inter):
          split(y){~1:FloorSplit | floorheight: Outside} 
          case LOD < 1: Mass
          else: split(y){~1:FloorSplit | floorheight:  Floor}

Mass--> color("#0000ff")

Floor--> color("#00ff00")

Outside--> color("#ff0000") // or NIL

Code_2.cga :-

version "2016.1"

attr angle = 30
attr dist = 500

Lot -->
     comp(f) { border: Slope }
     comp(f){bottom:     Visualisation}
Visualisation--> set(material.opacity,0.3)
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Esri Regular Contributor

The example with the slope around a shape in the middle is a quite unusual use case.
To make this inter occlusion queries work, the Procedural Runtime preferences need to be adjusted:

neighborhood distance for inter-occlusion needs to be set to the maximum extend of the slope (attr dist in the cga rule above)

Please refer to the help for further explanations: Context (and Occlusion) Queries 

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Emerging Contributor

Thanks Thomas, it works perfectly now.

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Emerging Contributor

Hi Thomas, sorry to disturb you again. I was trying to use the 30⁰ rule for a river but it is loosing shape while extruding. 

Lot -->
extrude(world.up, dist)
comp(f) {front: Slope }
Slope -->

Visualisation --> color(0,1,0) set(material.opacity,Transparent)

I am not able to figure out how to solve this.

Thanks in advance.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Abhishek,

I reworked the slope rule in my initial reply. This should now work in your case.

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

This doesn't answer your question, but I have the camera RPK used in that demo. The demo version had a little focus box seen in the video, but I can't find that version. It was originally made in 2013, and was updated just slightly in 2016. The RPK is unlocked so you can unzip the file to get the source.


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