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example Redlands Redevelopment

05-21-2014 05:36 AM
Deactivated User
hello :
can someone explain the logic of building construction rule
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3 Replies
Deactivated User
Hi Amiri,

The rules are too complex to 'quickly explain' ..

Did you work through all the tutorials yet to grasp the basic concepts of CityEngine ?

Please let me know ..

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Deactivated User
hey matt

I worked with all the tutorials and the examples given in the web site of ESRI, besides the example of redlands training.
i'm now a GIS studant, i have projet is to design a new smart city with city engine,i found that the redlands example is the best example to start with, i started before understanding the rules of the example.

the rules that i understand are ( environment reporting, environment setting , zoning , photovoltaic roof....etc)
and i tried to understand the other rules ( building facades , building construction , tree and building street ) but it's a difficult without comments.

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Deactivated User
Yes, it it complex to start ..

Sadly, I don't have time to teach you all the rules, but what's best is to stop the rule execution with '.' at every point you want.

Like this, you can step through the code and check if you understand it.

If you have the code

A -->

B -->

and you don't know how this goes, just put a point like:

A -->

B -->

this then stops after B.

It's best learning writing rules yourself by typing the code yourself. There I can help you better with short, concise questions, that are short to answer.

Ok ?

Good luck and let me know how it goes. Feel free to post (SHORT, up to 10 lines) code snippets here, if you have questions.

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