Drawing up street shapes

03-20-2013 01:11 PM
Deactivated User
I am attempting to create a diverging diamond interchange :[ATTACH=CONFIG]22812[/ATTACH]
I don't have the actual street center lines for this, as it's going to be built, is this something that I can model in CE, or will the line work be too fine, that the detail won't come through?
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8 Replies
Deactivated User
Hi !

Your best option is currently to play with the system. You'll find that the only real limitation to do this street layout that CE does not yet have a real on ramp / off ramp crossing type. But with editing some of the street's tangents, you can approximate this.

Maybe put this image in CE as a Texture (Map Layer), scale it up and start blocking out the form. Show me a screenshot once you're there, ok ?

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Deactivated User
OK!  Will do!
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Deactivated User
It's coming, slowly.  I'm not sure how to get the jpeg to be in the right coordnate (tried bringing it into ArcMap and that didn't really work).  So I am looking at it to approximate the change.  I haven't started the harder part yet.  [ATTACH=CONFIG]22944[/ATTACH]
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Deactivated User
Hi !

Just drag-n-drop the jpg into the viewport in CityEngine. This will create a flat terrain.

Select the layer, then scale the image up and down to the right size with the 'e' key.

Also, use the 'c' key to edit the tangents of the streets !

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Deactivated User
Sweet!  Thanks!

OK, now how can I shift it to the right? [ATTACH=CONFIG]22958[/ATTACH]
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Deactivated User
Move it to the right with the move tool ( 'w' key ).

Note the 'qwer' tools.

q = selection
w = move
e = scale
r = rotate

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Deactivated User
Thank you!
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Deactivated User
I did it!  [ATTACH=CONFIG]23002[/ATTACH]
The hardest part was the lanes going over the freeway (the purple and red lanes from the jpeg).  Now to finish modeling it!
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