Hello, Matt.
I need that every building of this type use basically the same parameters. They need to start within a front setback of 5.9 meters and extrude three meters. Then i need to extrude the next two floors (10 meters) without any setbacks. The remaining floors need back setback of 5 meters, a front setback of 2 meters and side setback of 1.5 meters. This information of how many floors that those buildings are going to have is defined using the my basic rule that considers setbacks, occupancy rate and coefficient of utilization. I have to put some discont areas (about 27-31% of the total area of the building). At this moment, i don't know how to do it...
My basic rule is:
attr Frontal = 6
attr Lateral = 3
attr TO = 0.4
attr CA = 3
attr GFHeight = 3
attr UFHeight = 3
attr parcelArea = 0
Lot --> Area(geometry.area)
Area(area) --> set (parcelArea, geometry.area) report ("Area do Lote PD", parcelArea) Afast_F(area)
Afast_F(area) --> setback(Frontal) { streetSide : NIL | remainder : Afast_L(area) }
Afast_L(area) --> setback(Lateral) { noStreetSide : NIL | remainder : projecao(area) }
projecao(area) --> case geometry.area > area * TO : Redimensiona(area, geometry.area)
else : Sobe(area, geometry.area)
Redimensiona(area, areaP) --> s('area*TO/areaP, 'area*TO/areaP, '1) center (xz) Sobe (area, geometry.area)
Sobe (area, areaSC ) -->
split (y) {GFHeight : Volume("GF") | ~1 : UpperFloor }
UpperFloor -->
split (y) { ~ UFHeight : Volume("UF") } *
Volume (volumeType) -->
case volumeType == "GF":
color ("#990000")
set (material.opacity, 0.5)
else :
color ("#990000")
set (material.opacity, 0.5)
Reporting -->
report("Primeiro Andar PD", geometry.area(bottom))
report("Demais Andares PD", geometry.area(bottom) / parcelArea )
Did i make myself clear?
Thanks again!!