I have attached a very simple sample sanitary sewer system. I think it contains all the necessary information for creating a detailed sewer network. Some of the key fields that I would imagine that'd be needed are:
1) StructureID - unique ID for structure
2) Structure Rim Elevation - top elevation of structure
3) Structure Depth - depth of structure
4) Structure Invert Elevation - invert elevation of structure
5) Structure Diameter - diameter of structure
6) Structure Material - material of structure
7) PipeID - unique ID for pipe
😎 Pipe Upstream Elevation - upstream elevation of pipe
9) Pipe Downstream Elevation - downstream elevation of pipe
10) Pipe Diameter - diameter of pipe
11) Pipe Material - material of pipe
Other interesting thoughts/ideas would be having the ability to input a water/flow elevation at a structure as a way of indicating if the flow is within the pipe or if the structure is surcharging and if so, what is the elevation of the water as a way of visualizing the degree of surcharge severity.
Having the ability to quickly drop in proposed manholes and connecting sewers would be great as well, either at a predefined distance between structures and a predefined slope of sewers...or having the ability to override these with user entries. CityEngine seems to be great at having these rule-based methods for generating new features, the previous would be an example of rule-based creation for sewers.
These are a few of my quick thoughts on the subject. I think CityEngine does seem to be a great tool for visualizing and having the ability to use it for underground infrastructure would be awesome.
Thanks for your reply and suggestions Matthias!