@Range ("Gable","Hip","Flat","Pyramid")
attr RoofType = "Gable"
@Range ("Bungalow","SplitLevel","TwoStorey","ThreeStorey")
attr myUseType = "Bungalow"
BronteFootprints -->
comp (f) {top:Roof |side:Wall}
Extrude -->
* case whatUse == "Bungalow" : BungalowUseType
case whatUse == "TwoStorey" : TwoStoreyUseType
case whatUse == "ThreeStorey" : ThreeStoreyUseType
case whatUse == "SplitLevel" : SplitLevelUseType
else: Other.
BungalowUseType -->
BungalowUse (2.75)
TwoStoreyUseType -->
T woStoreyUse (5.5)
ThreeStoreyUseType -->
ThreeStoreyUse (8.25)
SplitLevelUseType -->
SplitLevelUse (4.15)
case RoofType == "Gable" : GableRoof
case RoofType == "Hip" : HipRoof
case RoofType == "Pyramid" : PyramidRoof
else: FlatRoof.
color (0,1,0)
color (46,46,46)
Hello Linda,
Thank you for your question. The CGA language is structured by concatenating rules. Separating parts of a rule that are common from conditional ones helps in analyzing the shape tree. So if you are using a case statement, it has to be encapsulated in a conditional rule.
Everything preceding the conditions needs to be put into a separate rule. It is possible to generate different successors for different conditions of rule parameters or shape attributes. The case and the else statements must build a consecutive block and can not be interrupted with successors (like a switch-case block, NOT like if statements in well-known programming languages).
PredecessorShape -->
case condition1: Successor1
case condition2: Successor2
else: SuccessorN
Hi Linda,
You need a conditional statement as Thomas mentioned but I would use attribute data to extrude buildings foot prints, which is less complex.I am also working on a similar rule.
Call me if you need any help.
Hi Dulini,
I may do that. Thanks for your help
You're trying to extrude using text as parameter. You're also never calling the Extrude rule. Case rules also can't have any commands but cases. Try this instead:
@Range ("Bungalow","SplitLevel","TwoStorey","ThreeStorey")
attr myUseType = "Bungalow"
attr myUseTypeHeight = 0
Lot -->
SetHeight -->
case myUseType == "Bungalow": set(myUseTypeHeight, 2.75) Extrude
case myUseType == "SplitLevel": set(myUseTypeHeight, 4.15) Extrude
case myUseType == "TwoStorey": set(myUseTypeHeight, 5.5) Extrude
case myUseType == "ThreeStorey": set(myUseTypeHeight, 8.25) Extrude
else: set(myUseTypeHeight, 1) Extrude
Extrude -->
comp (f) {top:Roof |side:Wall}
Thank you - this is exactly what I was looking for.