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Bike Lanes

08-16-2016 07:23 AM
Emerging Contributor


i am trying to replicate this type of street, i have almost everything  what i need with the attached NewStreetRule.cga file except the bike lanes.

I tried to copy the median functions but with no luck...

My question is, how i can extend the NewStreetRule.cga file with bike lanes like in the image below?

best regards


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6 Replies
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Are you trying to create a new rule based on assets and features in the complete street rule? 
Can you provide more context on what you are trying to do? Do you want bike lanes closer to the median? 

David Wasserman, AICP
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Emerging Contributor

Hi David,

thank you for the answer.

I send you a image of what i' trying to achive. For now i'm just using textures with simple rules to map them.

Yes but simple a that,  for now i just i want to move the bike lanes closer to the median. is this possible with the complete street rule package? Or, how i can add bike lanes to the cga rule i sent before.

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Frequent Contributor

Wow. This is really impressive. Is this all procedural? Where is the rule that made the bike intersection?

To answer your question, it seems like your case logic is set up to do either a median or a bike lanes or something else. 

Case statements in CGA are not like if statements in python/other programming languages, they are the flow of decisions down the shape hierarchy, they do not execute for every possible true statement, it takes the first true statement and goes down that path. I just want to clarify that just in case it is helpful (might not be). 
To put it close to the median, you would need to maybe use some type of binary switch patter. A good example of this is how I place bus lanes in different locations in the complete street rule, with one of the configurations being adjacent to the median. 
See _Transit_Lane_Width_Switch() here: Complete_Street_Rule/Complete_Street.cga at master · Holisticnature/Complete_Street_Rule · GitHub 

David Wasserman, AICP
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Emerging Contributor

No, like i said this are just textures and i want to make them procedural so far i can...

The  CompleteStreetRule.cga are nice but there is no option for Bike Lane position like the TransitLane_Position and this is where i stuck.

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Frequent Contributor

If you don't care about reporting, you could literally put the bike lane rule where the bus lane rule is. You could also just make a redirect option for the transit lanes to a bike lane rule. That would not take a lot of code. 

I will think about how to support this in the future. I did an exception for sidewalk side bike lanes, so this is not that much of a stretch until I have to implement all the exceptions for its impacts on performance metrics...

David Wasserman, AICP
Emerging Contributor

Thank you, such an option would be very useful.

Maybe divisible bike lanes are possible as well? Like in this image.