I am thinking balcony modeling
But i dont know how can i do this style
Hiw Can i start this style
Sorry my poor english
This post discusses corner balconies that go inwards into the building:
Corner balconies that extrude outwards from the building mass are slightly different. I tried to find a solution based on the inner corner balcony discussion from the post above, but the solution I found is a little different. I made the side railings and the outer railings separately. This code works for rectangular and non-rectangular quads, but it does not work for non-quads because it assumes that the footprint has 4 vertices.
attr Height = 21
attr Floor_Height = 3
attr Balcony_Width = 10
attr Balcony_Depth = 3
attr Balcony_Slab_Thickness = 0.3
attr Balcony_Railing_Height = 1
attr Balcony_Railing_Depth = 0.1
const m = 2 // multiply by some factor to make sure balcony is long enough for acute angled corners
Lot -->
comp(f) { side: Facade(comp.index) | all: X. }
Facade(facadeInd) -->
split(y) { Floor_Height: Floor(facadeInd, split.index) }*
Floor(facadeInd, floorInd) -->
case floorInd%2==facadeInd%2:
split(x) { Balcony_Width-Balcony_Depth: BalconyTile(true) | ~1: X. }
split(x) { ~1: X. | Balcony_Width-Balcony_Depth: BalconyTile(false) }
BalconyTile(isFirst) -->
s(scope.sx+m*Balcony_Depth, Balcony_Slab_Thickness, Balcony_Depth)
t(-m*Balcony_Depth*float(isFirst), 0, 0)
OuterBalconyRailings(isFirst) -->
s(scope.sx+m*Balcony_Depth, Balcony_Railing_Height, Balcony_Railing_Depth)
t(-m*Balcony_Depth*float(isFirst), Balcony_Slab_Thickness, Balcony_Depth-Balcony_Railing_Depth)
SideBalconyRailings(isFirst) -->
s('1, Balcony_Railing_Height, 0)
t(0, Balcony_Slab_Thickness, 0)
split(x) { ~float(isFirst): NIL | Balcony_Railing_Depth: extrude(Balcony_Depth-Balcony_Railing_Depth) X. }