Hello everyone, I was wondering where you guys get your shapefiles for bathymetry from? I need contour depth lines for US lakes, but can only find two main sources; one for Texas lakes and one for Oklahoma lakes via their water board websites, twdb.texas.gov and owrb.ok.gov respectively. Do you know of other sources for other states or a national dataset? If they are not made available publicly, are their sites where we can purchase the raw data? We've tried a few mapping companies without success. We need contour depth bathymetry on our lake maps and keep hitting walls finding them. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I am following your post because I would like to find better sources for this myself. If you are looking for a national dataset USGS is a good place to start. My guess is that you will find the larger lakes more easily accessed. https://woodshole.er.usgs.gov/data/submergedlands/
I use the USGS for the NHD hydro and land contours when needed. But lake contours are so hard to come by. They have to be somewhere since so many fishing mapping sites have them. They won't sell their data though. They tell me it is a combination of their own surveys/soundings and "other" sources which they won't divulge.