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What's new in ArcGIS Aviation (November 2023)

11-07-2023 09:06 AM
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Esri Contributor
5 0 415

The release of ArcGIS Pro 3.2 for ArcGIS Aviation Airports and ArcGIS Aviation Charting includes enhanced tools to further support your airport, charting, data management, migration, and design needs. This blog article contains more information about these updates.

Enhanced tools

The following ArcGIS Aviation Charting tools have been enhanced:

Generate Airspace Lines

The tool in the Data Management toolset now includes the following enhancements:

Process multiple preferences all in one run

This tool now supports selection of multiple preferences that can be configured to process different groups of airspaces all in one run.


Generate Airspace Lines pane.png


New Label Airspaces option

A new Label Airspaces option changes how the Airspace lines are generated and labeled to contain information from neighboring intersecting airspaces.


This allows you to now form a continuous line with similar intersecting airspaces as seen with Airspace lines f and g below.

 After the five airspaces are processed through Generate Airspace Lines, seven AirspaceLine features are produced and populated with the labels shown in Left Label and Right Label. The preference used in the example was simplified to process only one type.After the five airspaces are processed through Generate Airspace Lines, seven AirspaceLine features are produced and populated with the labels shown in Left Label and Right Label. The preference used in the example was simplified to process only one type.

Additionally, AirspaceLine features’ Left and Right labels now also contain information from neighboring intersecting airspaces.

Generate Derived Airspace Geometry

The Generate Derived Airspace Geometry tool in the Data Management toolset has been enhanced to improve the geometry quality of the derived airspaces.

Smoother borders near connecting areas

Derived airspaces that are generated from the intersection of geoborders and other airspaces now produce smoother borders near the connecting areas.

Eliminate small gaps

This tool now supports XY Tolerance environment values to prevent small gaps in geometry.

XY Tolerance Airspace Lines.png

Small gaps between the geometry of the contributor airspace parts can lead to problems in the geometry in the resulting derived airspace.

Small Gaps1.png

The x,y tolerance can be used to account for these gaps between airspaces and allow the contributor shapes to be combined properly.

Derived airspace with XY Tolerance value apply results in a consistent border.Derived airspace with XY Tolerance value apply results in a consistent border.

Report Aviation Chart Changes

The Report Aviation Chart Changes tool in the Data Management toolset compares feature classes in two enterprise geodatabase versions and returns the differences in a report. This tool now stores all values (including NULL values) found in the base and comparison versions. Once this tool has been run, it no longer depends on existing versions to compare change, which means you can now see versions that have been reconciled and posted or even deleted.

Reach out to us at if you have questions about these new capabilities.
