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About ArcGIS QuickCapture 1.11 (template) version upgrade

12-23-2021 01:21 AM
Esri Contributor

ArcGIS QuickCapture 1.11 (template), but Online has been updated and the current latest version is 1.12.104.
So when you use it, it will ask you to update the app and send you to the Apple Store.

iOS の画像.png








I don't think ArcGIS QuickCapture 1.11 (template) will be upgraded until AppStudio is updated.
How are you updating ArcGIS QuickCapture 1.11 (template)?

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6 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @TakahiroKAMIYA Thanks for bringing up this question.

First, to explain the error message you saw for the project: In ArcGIS QuickCapture, every QuickCapture project has a hidden property in its project JSON called 'minVersion'. This property is to make sure when the project is configured to use a certain feature that is introduced at a certain version, the mobile app is also up to date to consume it. If the app version (e.g. 1.8.x) < project minVersion (e.g. 1.10.x), the error message will show to indicate an app update is required. This behavior is as designed for the ArcGIS QuickCapture product. 

Move on to the QuickCapture template in AppStudio. The template in AppStudio always comes with a template app version of 1.0.1. So when you use this template app directly, it will encounter the issue I described above.

To fix this error message is easy. You can manually fix the template app version to be 1.11.x from the appinfo.json file, which should be more than enough for the projects' minVersion. The template app version is constructed as major.minor.micro, so you can update the template app version (at the very bottom of the appinfo.json file) to be below for example:

"version": {
"major": 1,
"micro": 0,
"minor": 11


Note that the micro number gets incremented every time when you upload the app in AppStudio, but it won't cause an impact as long as App version number  < Project's minVersion number is met in general.

Hope this makes sense and helps. Let me know if you have further questions.

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Esri Contributor

Thank you for the infomartion.
It was very helpful.
I have an additional question. I think the AppStudio template is always version 1.0.1 of the template app, will the template app be upgraded in the future?

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Esri Contributor

The template app itself always starts with version 1.0.1 in AppStudio. The QuickCapture team used to update this template to match the capability of the latest QuickCapture release but stopped at version 1.11 (September 2021 release). But if strongly requested, the team will update the QuickCapture template per request.

Esri Contributor


Thank you for your comment.

In the new App Studio 5.3, the Quick Capture 1.11 template is not present, do you know why?
App Studio 5.2 had it.

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Frequent Contributor

@Mandy_Li  Is is possible to get around this without having to update the App vesion number? It's quite a nusiance to have to rebuild the app and then reinstall it on our users devices. Can we access an older version of the quickcapture web interface so that we can continue to use our older version of the app?

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Esri Contributor

Hi @MarkC1 Version check is to ensure what has been configured in the project can be consumed properly in the mobile app. This behavior is by default taken care of if you use the QuickCapture designer and mobile app. The problem here is the template versioning in AppStudio. If you were to build QuickCapture with AppStudio, you will have to check the template versioning to make sure the Template app version is compatible with the project minVersion.