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What's new in the AppStudio Desktop v. 2.1

11-09-2017 11:53 AM
by Anonymous User
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In this release, we continue our work on improving UI/UX and adding new functionalities to AppStudio Desktop. 

Here is a quick list of new features and handy improvements:

  • New Material Design layouts
  • Improved UI/UX for Desktop tools
  • Support Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app
  • Fully redesigned AppMake tool
  • New Community Panel  
  • Easily register a Client (App) ID via AppStudio Desktop
  • AppUpload tool enhancements
  • Delete Apps from your ArcGIS organization using AppStudio Desktop
  • Support localization of apps running in AppRun

Please continue reading for more details on the above features.

New Material Design layouts

Material design, which takes inspiration from paper and ink forms, is a visual and interactive card-based design standard developed and used by Google. We have released five brand new ready-to-use layouts based on Material Design Guidelines that will not only help you get started in creating material design apps with AppStudio but also help you get familiarized with the latest Qt Material Control style. Please read this blog post to learn more about Material Design layouts.  



Easily register a Client (App) ID via AppStudio Desktop

An App ID (or Client ID) allows users to sign in to the ArcGIS platform (online or your own on-premise portal) with OAuth and collect usage statistics.  We wanted to improve your app registration experience by providing a Register button to help you generate an App ID right away. This feature will be very handy especially when using the secured/offline maps feature in the Map Viewer template.

As an added convenience we also take care of adding the appropriate redirect url needed by AppStudio apps (urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob). 

Please make sure to upload your app first before generate an App ID


Improved UI/UX for Desktop tools

The AppStudio for ArcGIS 2.0 release introduced a brand-new user interface for AppStudio Desktop, with better usability and many new features. In this release, we’re continuing our work on improving UI/UX, this time for few AppStudio Desktop tools.  AppSettings, AppUpload, and AppConsole tools have received UI updates.


Support Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app - BETA

UWP is the universal app platform for Windows 10. UWP apps can run across many Windows devices, such as Windows 10 powered PC, tablet, phone, Xbox, and more. AppStudio for ArcGIS, as a cross-platform application developing tool, has added support for UWP apps in this release. Just like how you build apps for other platforms, all you need to do to create a UWP app is to simply check the box next to the Universal 32 bit, Universal 64 bit, or Universal ARM on the cloud Make interface.           


Note: UWP apps are currently only supported for cloud Make, and cannot be made with local Make.
          Also ArcGIS Runtime apps are not yet supported for UWP (we are working on it).

AppMake tool gets a makeover

AppMake tool has been completely redesigned with the new intuitive UI&UX to make your app-building experience easier and better. Many new features and enhancements were also added to the Make tool such as improved analysis messages and cloud Make support for UWP.


Community panel 

We have implemented a new community panel in the AppStudio Desktop Gallery. The community panel provides live contents of AppStudio Geonet questions, blogs, YouTube, and tweets so you can easily access and engage with us and our community.  This we hope will encourage you to easily read and follow all the developments and also participate in the community to help your fellow AppStudio app developers.



Improvements to AppUpload tool

Upload tool is frequently used and very useful but it lacked one feature which is sharing. You (our users) asked us to directly provide a way to change sharing options for the app so that its easy for others in your org or even for your customers to download the app. 
We are now (thanks to your feedback) offering sharing options directly in the AppUpload tool so that you can easily share your apps with a single click. 


Deleting apps from ArcGIS org via AppStudio Desktop

One other feedback we received was to make it easier to manage your apps with in your org. While it was easy to create and update apps we did not have option to delete apps from your org. With this release, you can easily delete the AppStudio app (appears as native application item in your org), with the Delete button in the AppStudio Gallery opening a dialog to choose to delete your app’s files locally, or from both local and online locations.


Supporting localization of apps running in AppRun

If an app running in AppRun has a translation file that matches the system’s current locale, AppRun will now automatically load the translation file. This new enhancement is essential for testing your apps in multiple languages. 


Click this link to find all the blog posts related to the 2.1 release of AppStudio for ArcGIS.   Look out for new Plugins blog posts coming soon.