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Using Flex and Silverlight in ArcGIS 9.3 and 10

10-27-2010 09:41 AM
New Contributor
I have to develop a web service and I need to decide between learning/using Flex and Silverlight. For now I have ArcGIS 9.3 but I am expecting to migrate to 10 in another couple of months.  I would like to choose program, which will work in both versions, so the later transition do not cost me starting from the scratch. I saw on server functionality matrix that Flex works with both versions, but it is possible to just take Flex developed for 9.3 and move it to 10? What about Silverlight? May I use Silverlight in 9.3 in the same way as in 10? Thanks for all your responses!
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6 Replies
New Contributor II
Silverlight is also supported in 9.3 but doesn't support editing. In 10 it does (Silverlight ESRI API 2.0 for VS2010).

In my opinion there isn't really a difference. I would choose Silverlight (if you are used to .NET programming).
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Esri Regular Contributor
Use Silverlight API 🙂 but I would be bias so as Steven mentioned, it really depends on which programming language you are more comfortable using.

I know for a fact that if you choose to use the latest SL/WPF API v2.1, it is backwards compatible. Supports ArcGIS 9.3, 10, and 10 SP1.
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New Contributor
I have to develop a web service and I need to decide between learning/using Flex and Silverlight. For now I have ArcGIS 9.3 but I am expecting to migrate to 10 in another couple of months.  I would like to choose program, which will work in both versions, so the later transition do not cost me starting from the scratch. I saw on server functionality matrix that Flex works with both versions, but it is possible to just take Flex developed for 9.3 and move it to 10? What about Silverlight? May I use Silverlight in 9.3 in the same way as in 10? Thanks for all your responses!

Compare Flex API VS SL API:

ArcGIS API for Flex:
Check the following links

You must check on ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 2.1

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New Contributor
Thank you a lot!
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Esri Notable Contributor
I would say that the PDF with the SL/Flex comparison is also very biased towards flex and the issues it points out that are with the Silverlight API are long gone today.
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New Contributor
Thank you for your answer! I am kind of confused between ADF and API. I understood from server functionality matrix, that 9.3 works only with ADF, when 10 with API.  In this case �?? does Flex in 9.3 works with ADF or API? Which version of Flex and Adobe Flex Builder will I need to use to make web application for 9.3 and which for 10?  I also understand that Flex works for 9.3 and 10, when Silverlight with 10 and 9.3.1. Is there any way I can use Silverlight in 9.3? My web page must have two options: possibilities that the user will submit Excel file (which later will be processed on server and displayed as a points on the map presented to user), and possibilities that the user will drag/edit points on the map and this request will be again submitted to server.  Does Silverlight or Flex supports those options, and if yes, which versions of Flex/Silverlight does and with which versions of server they work?
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