How to retrieve a private Web map using token?

03-20-2012 08:49 AM
New Contributor III
Just started playing with the Silverlight API. I have been able to run the ESRI examples using a Web map hosted by ArcGIS and shared with everyone.
Then I set it to private and tried to retrieve it using token, but the map won't load.

The token was generated following these instructions:

A token is generated by entering the following in the address bar of your browser:, where myusername and mypassword are replaced with your Esri Global Account username and password, respectively.

Caution:Make sure to use HTTPS instead of HTTP to generate the token.
This generates a response similar to the following:

{"token" :
: 1306883380145}

Once you have the token, use its value to retrieve the JSON for the map by including "&token=" and the token value at the end of the URL. For example, This uses the token value to request the formatted JSON from the item specified.

And this is part of my code:
           webMap.Token = "nEvfvFwGBaQ7laRKxUlH8ACGkwm2aHqUKiscQbyoG4lmVZU8EiG2NLa5nj6UKiEa";
            webMap.GetMapAsync("xxxxxx" );

In the event handler of GetMapCompleted, I checked the error message, it says "Invalid token".

What am I doing wrong here?

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12 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor
My best bet is that the referer you set is not the right one.

When sending web requests, WinPhone set a referer that looks like : file:///Applications/Install/<productId>/Install/, so when generating token you can try with the option referer=file:///Applications/Install/
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New Contributor
Merci Dominique,

it did work, which somehow it really is a odd or strange behaviour, as i said in my first post, the code worked liked a charm until yesterday morning (with ...

Also, i had to create some HttpWebRequest helper class to make requests to the ArcGIS Portal services, instead of using the ArcGIS Portal SDK API.

For example , i cannot find a way to authenticate using the following statement:

            ArcGISPortal portal = new ArcGISPortal();
            string url = "";           
            portal.Token = token_from_previous_POST_request_to_generateToken_method;

            portal.InitializeAsync(url, (s, ex) =>
                   [Do something .....]


the portal object should have (i guess) the CurrentUser set, a Token etc.... and instead those values are always null.
If i make a POST request to generateToken to require a token, and set the portal instance Token property with the returned value, CurrentUser property is always null. Even tried with the following line:

            portal.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(this.txtUsername.Text, this.txtPassword.Password);

but still no luck....

How can i use ArcGISPortal SDK on WP7 ?How to authenticate? Is there any online tutorials? I can't find anything relevant on ESRI's documentation...

Thanks once again,

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Esri Frequent Contributor
Olà Sergio,

it did work, which somehow it really is a odd or strange behaviour, as i said in my first post, the code worked liked a charm until yesterday morning

Referer verification by portals is sometimes capricious but anyway using the right referer should help.

the portal object should have (i guess) the CurrentUser set, a Token etc.... and instead those values are always null.
If i make a POST request to generateToken to require a token, and set the portal instance Token property with the returned value, CurrentUser property is always null.

Strange! That should work as soon as you set the Portal token.

I just tried a WP program doing that. I get the right username:

using System.Windows;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Client;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Portal;
using Microsoft.Phone.Controls;

namespace PhoneApp1
    public partial class MainPage : PhoneApplicationPage
        public MainPage()
            IdentityManager.Current.TokenGenerationReferer = "file:///Applications/Install/";
            IdentityManager.Current.GenerateCredentialAsync("", "<username>", "<password>",
                (crd, err) =>
                    if (crd != null)
                        var portal = new ArcGISPortal { Token = crd.Token };
                        portal.InitializeAsync(null, (p, e) => MessageBox.Show(p.CurrentUser.FullName));
                        MessageBox.Show("Error " + err.Message);
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