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Deploying Silverlight Site

03-28-2012 01:36 PM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: mmestrov

I have create a silverlight mapping website which has a forms authenticated logon form which routes to my default.aspx page when the user is authenticated. It also uses a proxy to pass a token for the map services to open.

Does anyone have steps by which  to deploy on my production server.  I was able to get the website over by putting the ClientBin (with the XAP) the silverlight.js page into my websites folder.  But when I run it it doesn go to teh login page but directly to the website.  Any steps on how to publish a silverlight application with a logon page and use of a proxy.

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1 Reply
New Contributor III
My bad.  I was totally silly.  It's as easy as using the Publish command in VS and using the File System, publishing method.
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