We have developed a Electrical Utility Web GIS application on ArcGIS Server 10.2 using Silverlight API. As a part of this
application Shcematics is one of the funcationlity which we are developing. We have downloaded the template provided for
SIlverlight API and customized the same for geneating the schematics.
Schematics diagram for electrical assets are getting generated but when I view the Schematic Diagram my Initial extent of
the Diagram is not to Full extent of the Diagram.Can anybody help in this regard
Attached are the two JPG files for reference. (one is intial View and other is the Zoom in View). Would like to have the
full extent of the Diagram. Please help.
You have to make sure to set your map extent to the extent of the specific diagram you are trying to view. The schematic service is showing schematic layer that likely represents all diagrams in the database, so the initial extent is quite large. So when displaying 1 of the diagrams in the service, you have to reset the map's extent to that diagram's extent which you can get from the diagram rest endpoint.
Hi Rick,
Thanks for your quick response
Yes, Rick we are getting diagram extent and applying it to map extent as shown below even though map extent is not setting to diagram setting
_schematicService.DisplaySchematicDiagramCompleted -= new EventHandler<SchematicDiagramEventArgs>(schService_DisplaySchematicDiagramCompleted);
// SchematicsMap.ZoomTo(e.Diagram.Extent as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Geometry);
SchematicsMap.Extent = e.Diagram.Extent;
Not sure, I haven't been in the silverlight code for a bit, been mostly working in javascript. Have you looked at the schematics sample code for silverlight on the resource center?
There is a public method FitAll available on the SchematicDiagram. Look into that as well.
sasikanth pulugurtha, Kranthi kiran
This discussion is untagged and has been placed where few with interest and knowledge will be able to assist.
Might I suggest you move it (the Actions -> Move button on the right) to the All Places -> GIS -> Mapping Space, and assign it the schematics tag as well as the silverlight tag. Rick Anderson has already seen this, but it will help others to find it as well.
I've moved your post into the Arcgis API for
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