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Why is there no "layers" key?

05-22-2019 01:14 PM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
This is the Json that is returned for an ArcGiS MapServiceLayer within a web map.
It's the output of "print(lyr)" where "lyr" is an operational layer within a web map.
This layer has many layers - Group Layers and Feature Layers in it, but the JSON has no record of them. 
Does anyone know why the JSON is not providing this information? I would like to go through web maps and list all
Operational Layers and, for map services, the groups and sublayers.

ArcGISMapServiceLayer: *** {   "id": "***",   "layerType": "ArcGISMapServiceLayer",   "url": "***",   "visibility": true,   "opacity": 1,   "title": "Rocker Operable Unit",   "itemId": "***"

Thank you,

Randy McGregor

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