Hello, while working an internship i updated and totally revised some code I had found on github here is my final version that we have set to run every Day using windows task scheduler. I hope this helps whoever comes after me looking to do the same thing. This worked out well for my company. Unfortunatley I wont be of much assistance after this post because this is my last day on the job, i tried to leave as many comments as possible for my boss and you all 🙂
import os
import smtplib
from email.message import EmailMessage
from email import encoders
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
import urllib
import requests
import json
import sys
import docx
import glob
import datetime
from arcgis.gis import GIS
from arcgis.apps.survey123._survey import SurveyManager, Survey
from docx2pdf import convert
import shutil
This script requires Python (3.9.6 was used), you will have to install a few of the packages
that are missing by default. use the command 'pip install ________' to install whatever
is missing on your local machine. This code also will require a Survey123 survey and preferably
a report template (if you dont have one it will use a sample I believe).
PseudoCode ~
-Logs into Survey123 and then paths to your survey using a provided Survey ID (its in the url)
-Generates reports within a set a time range
-Navigates to AGOL and downloads all files from the last 'x' amount of time with the
"Survey 123 tag" to a designated local folder then removes those files from AGOL
-It can convert all DOCXs in folder to PDFs to preserve formatting if desired
-Creates a list of all DOCX or PDFs in local folder then creates email and attaches them
-Sends email through SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocal) with attachments and message
-Sends the files to an archive folder to be preserved OR sends the files to the recycle bin, your choice lines 272-280
Orginal Code developed by Jon Stowell, 2019
source 'https://github.com/nzjs/Automated-Survey123-Reports'
Revisions by Enrique Van Sickel, 2021; with HUGE kudos to a kind stranger from ESRI's support (you know who you are, didnt put your name so ppl dont try to email you directly)
Edits: Report Generation parameters, File Searching in AGOL, Added a DOCX to PDF converter, Made it possible to generate and send PDFs, Edits to SMTP setup, Added an Archive folder,
Removed the confusing way recipients were managed for a simpler static array (see source code for a way to specify recipients in the survey itself), QOL improvements such as easier variables,
clearer comments, and the code printing feedback in the command prompt.
In command prompt run the code by navigating to the folder the file is stored
ie 'cd desktop\code' then using 'python S123AutoMaster.py' as this file
was in a folder on my desktop named code.
Also, this script generates the KeyError: 'results' but still works due to the try/except/finally block...
Related to this ESRI bug:
BUG-000119057 : The Python API 1.5.2 generate_report() method of the arcgis.apps.survey123 module, generates the following error: { KeyError: 'results' }
^^ I don't know if this has been resolved yet I still was getting similar errors in '21
the code is designed to carry on if esri throws this error
API docs: https://esri.github.io/arcgis-python-api/apidoc/html/arcgis.apps.survey123.html
def main():
#--- Date Variables !DO_NOT_CHANGE! ---
today = datetime.datetime.today()
yesterday = today - datetime.timedelta(1)
#--- AGOL Login Info ---
agol_org = 'https://YOURORGANIZATION.maps.arcgis.com'
agol_user = 'gisGuy@gmail.com' # See line 172 and make that match
agol_pass = 'Password1234!@#$'
#--- S123 Info ---
surveyID = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' # I found mine in the url of my survey ex 'xxx0bb72261a420abbea2ec6978ec428'
output_folder = r'\GISReports' # Output folder WITHOUT trailing slash. This is also where the log file is stored ex mine was stored 'C:\GISReports'
archive_folder = r'\GISArchive' # Folder the Files will be moved to after being emailed
#--- Generate Report Parameters ---
# I pulled al my information from 'https://developers.arcgis.com/python/api-reference/arcgis.apps.survey123.html'
report_template = 0 # ID of the print template in Survey123 that you want to use (0 = ESRI's sample, 1 = first custom report, 2 = second custom report, etc)
where = "CreationDate >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '1' DAY" # CreationDate is a value stored by the Survey itself see 'https://www.esri.com/arcgis-blog/products/api-rest/data-management/querying-feature-services-date-ti...' for different date options
utc_offset = '-06:00' # UTC Offset for location (-06:00 is CST)
report_title = ('Daily_Export {}'.format(today)) # Title that will show in S123 recent task list
package_name = ('Daily_Export_Package {}'.format(today)) # Title that will show in S123 recent task list for multiple surveys packaged together
folder_id = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' # The folder ID of the user’s content; also found in url when AGOL folder is open
merge_files = 'nextPage' # either 'none' or 'nextPage' or 'continuous', nextPage worked for us as multiple files makes a .zip that i didn't work around and we were just printing them off anyways
# ***IMPORTANT NOTICE*** If you change this you need to also change the type in lines 172, and 228
# the code does have an option to convert DOCXs to PDFs after already having been downloaded just uncomment lines
output_format = 'pdf' # either 'docx' or 'pdf' to generate the reports as such
#--- Email Configurables ---
email_sender = 'G\gisGuy@gmail.com' # Eg. user@gmail.com. Requires a valid SMTP-enabled email account (Eg. a Gmail acct with the SMTP settings below)
email_password = 'StrongPass;D' # Password for the email account
smtp_server = 'smtp.gmail.com'
smtp_port = 587
recievers = ['gisGal@gmail.com', 'esriGuy@gmail.com', 'esriGal@gmail.com'] #this is a comma seperated list ['esriGuy@gmail.com', 'esriGal@gmail.com']
subject = 'Survey Report Attached '
preamble = 'You will not see this in a MIME-aware mail reader.\n'
body = 'From Your Organization:\n\nPlease find the attached Survey Report from our Automated Report and Survey Emailer (A.R.S.E). This is a copy of the information from Survey123 for your records.\n\nThank You For Your Time,\nYour Organizations **bleep** \n\n\n\nNOTE: This is an automated message, please do not reply.'
Don't edit below this line - unless you know what you are doing 🙂
I encourage you to read over in case you need to troubleshoot 😉
# Create a log file if it doesn't exist in your output_folder
log = output_folder + "\daily_export_log.txt"
print('', file=open(log, "a+"))
#I have doubled alot of this printing code for the purposes of troubleshooting
print('--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------', file=open(log, "a"))
print('--- STARTING REPORT GENERATION PROCESS ---', today, file=open(log, "a"))
print('Logging into AGOL', file=open(log, "a"))
print('Logging into AGOL')
gis = GIS(agol_org, agol_user, agol_pass)
print('Accessing survey id: ',surveyID, file=open(log, "a"))
print('Accessing survey id: ',surveyID,)
surveymgr = SurveyManager(gis)
survey = surveymgr.get(surveyID)
#print('Templates available: ',survey.report_templates) # Return all available print templates for the survey
template = survey.report_templates[report_template]
print('Selected template: ',template, file=open(log, "a"))
print('Selected template: ',template)
reportCount = 0
print('Generating report(s) for submissions from last 24 hours', file=open(log, "a"))
print('Generating report(s) for submissions from last 24 hours')
survey.generate_report(template, where, utc_offset, report_title, package_name, output_format, folder_id, merge_files)
except Exception as e:
print('>> ERROR: KeyError: ',e,' (related to ESRI BUG-000119057)', file=open(log, "a"))
print('>> ERROR: KeyError: ',e,' (related to ESRI BUG-000119057)')
print('>> Continuing...', file=open(log, "a"))
print('>> Continuing...')
print('Downloading relevant report(s) to: ',output_folder, file=open(log, "a"))
print('Downloading relevant report(s) to: ',output_folder)
# Owner is the same as agol_user; leave tags as it is or you will download and remove that too when item type is 'Microsoft Word'; item_type should be 'Microsoft Word' or 'PDF'
survey_list = gis.content.search(query='owner:gisGuy@gmail.com NOT tags:Print Template', item_type='PDF') #'https://support.esri.com/en/technical-article/000024383 ', 'https://developers.arcgis.com/rest/users-groups-and-items/search-reference.htm '
for i in survey_list:
reportCount +=1
print('Report desc: ',i.description, file=open(log, "a"))
id = i.id
data_item = gis.content.get(id)
data_item.download(save_path = output_folder)
# End Block
print('Reports Downloaded to local folder: ',reportCount, file=open(log, "a"))
print('Reports Downloaded to local folder: ',reportCount)
print('--- FINISHED REPORT GENERATION PROCESS ---', file=open(log, "a"))
print('', file=open(log, "a"))
print('--- STARTING EMAILING PROCESS ---', file=open(log, "a"))
documentCount = 0
# Un-comment it out between these lines to convert DOCXs to PDFs; be sure to change line 228 to '\*.docx' to keep files as Microsoft Word files
print('Converting DOCXs to PDFs', file=open(log, "a"))
print('Converting DOCXs to PDFs progress: ')
# Converting all DOCXs in output folder
print('Cleaning folder in preparation for emailing', file=open(log, "a"))
print('Cleaning folder in preparation for emailing')
# Deleting all DOCXs in output folder leaving only the converted PDFs
mark4delete = glob.glob(output_folder+'\*.docx')
for f in mark4delete:
print('Gathering list of attachments in: ',output_folder, file=open(log, "a"))
print('Gathering list of attachments in: ',output_folder)
file_list = glob.glob(output_folder+'\*.pdf')
print('Files:', file=open(log, "a"))
for file_name in file_list:
documentCount += 1
print(file_name, file=open(log, "a"))
for file_name in file_list:
print('Sending email with attachment to recipient(s): ',recievers, file=open(log, "a"))
print('Sending email with attachment to recipient(s): ',recievers)
# Initialize the email and create enclosing (outer) message
outer = MIMEMultipart()
outer['Subject'] = subject + str(today)
outer['To'] = ', '.join(recievers)
outer['From'] = email_sender
outer.preamble = preamble
msg_text = body
# Add attachment to message
with open(file_name, 'rb') as fp:
msg = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream')
msg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=os.path.basename(file_name))
outer.attach(MIMEText(msg_text, 'plain')) # or 'html'
print('Unable to open one of the attachments. Error: ', sys.exc_info()[0], file=open(log, "a"))
print('Unable to open one of the attachments. Error: ', sys.exc_info()[0])
composed = outer.as_string()
# Send the email via SMTP
with smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, smtp_port) as s:
s.login(email_sender, email_password)
s.sendmail(email_sender, recievers, composed)
# Email is sent now we clean everything but the log from the output folder (uncomment to delete files entirely, they get moved to recycle bin like any normal delete)
#print('Email sent to recipient(s) and removed file from download location.', file=open(log, "a"))
#print('Email sent to recipient(s) and removed file from download location.')
# Moves files to your archive folder for safe keepings
shutil.move(os.path.join(output_folder, file_name), archive_folder)
print('Email sent to recipient(s) and moved file to: ', archive_folder, file=open(log, "a"))
print('Email sent to recipient(s) and moved file to: ', archive_folder)
print('Unable to send the email. Error: ', sys.exc_info()[0], file=open(log, "a"))
print('Unable to send the email. Error: ', sys.exc_info()[0])
print('Emails sent: ',documentCount, file=open(log, "a"))
print('Emails sent: ',documentCount)
print('--- FINISHED EMAILING PROCESS --- ', file=open(log, "a"))
print('--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------', file=open(log, "a"))
print('', file=open(log, "a"))
print('', file=open(log, "a"))
# Im just a beginner with python all I know is if this isn't here the main function never runs the code will compile though -E
if __name__ == '__main__':