I have a notebook server that has arcgis for python installed, version 1.9.1. I have a separate server and a local environment using the version of arcgis for python, version= &
For some read I cannot get the spatial join to work.
I have two layers one layer is coming from a feature service and the other returned from a batch geocoder.
The municipal layer I'm using FeatureLayer to grab it then using pd.DataFrame.spatial.from_layer to turn it into a spatial dataframe. The second is from a batch geocoder that gets returned to as a featureset then transformed to sdf through one of the methods. I then try to go a spatial join but it doesn't return full matches only partial ones.
The municipal layer is a mix of polygons and multi-polygons. The geocoded addresses are points. I have no clue why it's working on the older version of arcgis for python but not on the new one. In the code snippet below I have swapped out the muni_sdf and the geocode_results_sdf as the method caller and input with no real change in results.
#batch geocoded addresses
results_featureset = batch_geocode(address_list, geocoder=our_geocoder, location_type='rooftop', match_out_of_range = False, out_sr= 3435, as_featureset=True)
geocode_results_sdf = geocode_results.sdf
#muni layer
municipality = 'layer url'
municipality_feat = FeatureLayer(municipality)
muni_sdf = pd.DataFrame.spatial.from_layer(municipality_feat)
spatial_relationship = 'within' # Change spatial relationship to 'within' or 'intersect' with no change in results
joined_sdf = muni_sdf.spatial.join(geocode_results_sdf , how="inner", op=spatial_relationship)