I'm trying to create a layer that updates with data from the IPC api (sample response below).
With GeoPandas, I can successfully load this into a geodataframe in one line:
I've not been able to get a similar results using the ESRI notebook environment without geopandas.
I can create a data frame that brings through the attribute data:
df = pd.DataFrame()
for feature in json['features']:
temp_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data=feature['properties'], orient='index').T
geom = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data=feature['geometry'], orient='index').T
temp_df['geom_type'] = geom.type
temp_df['geom'] = geom.coordinates
df = df.append(temp_df)
But if I try to wrap geom.coordinates in arcgis.geometry.Geometry() it gives an error:
ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().
Any help on how to correctly parse the JSON response attributes and geometry into something I can publish as a feature layer would be much appreciated.
sample API response:
{'type': 'FeatureCollection',
'features': [{'type': 'Feature',
'properties': {'id': '24755676',
'estimated_population': 363930,
'period': 'C',
'from': 'Jan 2022',
'to': 'Jan 2022',
'color': '#E67800',
'anl_id': '24755659',
'title': 'Middle Juba',
'overall_phase': 3,
'country': 'SO',
'year': 2022,
'condition': 'A',
'phase3_worse_population': 0,
'phase3_worse_percentage': 0,
'phase1_population': 198570,
'phase1_percent': 0.54,
'phase1_color': '#CDFACD',
'phase2_population': 85470,
'phase2_percent': 0.23,
'phase2_color': '#FAE61E',
'phase3_population': 64190,
'phase3_percent': 0.17,
'phase3_color': '#E67800',
'phase4_population': 15700,
'phase4_percent': 0.04,
'phase4_color': '#C80000',
'phase5_population': 0,
'phase5_percent': 0,
'phase5_color': '#640000'},
'geometry': {'type': 'Polygon',
'coordinates': [[[42.920335297, 0.31870463],
[42.730911255, 0.311817259],
[42.630912781, 0.721780658],
[42.430908203, 1.321726918],
[42.200901031, 1.311727881],
[41.420883179, 1.261732697],
[41.640888214, 1.941671729],
[42.400909424, 1.951670408],
[42.520908356, 1.881676555],
[42.900917053, 1.521708727],
[42.980918884, 1.461714149],
[43.270923615, 1.031752586],
[43.350925446, 0.921762526],
[43.520351409, 0.676131546],
[43.497226716, 0.652937771],
[43.487045289, 0.645697118],
[43.434757233, 0.589724184],
[43.401786803, 0.56085235],
[43.377445223, 0.535068869],
[43.29442215, 0.436700226],
[43.258571626, 0.401362718],
[43.241474152, 0.381407499],
[43.208774567, 0.350011586],
[43.190654755, 0.328533321],
[42.920335297, 0.31870463]]]} }]}
Using the sample you provided, I was able to parse the JSON correctly into an SEDF like so:
import pandas as pd
from arcgis.features import GeoAccessor, GeoSeriesAccessor
parsed_json = [
"geom": {
"rings" : feature["geometry"]["coordinates"],
"spatialReference" : {"wkid" : 4326}
} for feature in json["features"]]
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(parsed_json)
sedf = pd.DataFrame.spatial.from_df(df, geometry_column="geom")
Hope this helps!
Thanks for taking time to look at this.
The code you shared works for me to create a DF and then SEDF of the JSON.
But when I try to visualise the data in the map widget with
sedf.spatial.plot(map_widget= map1)
it throws an error (error text attached as widget_error.txt).
I also tried using the SEDF to create a feature layer with
sedf.spatial.to_featurelayer('test', gis=GIS("home"))
this also threw an error, attached as to_fl_error.txt
If you have any insight into what might be causing the errors or how to proceed, it would be much appreciated.
FWIW, if I access the geometry of a feature/row in the SEDF through `sedf[:1].geom[0]` the notebook correctly displays the geometry of the district.