I have a Spatially Enabled Data Frame I would like to regularly publish. My expected behavior is that it overwrites. But instead it is creating new hosted feature layers.
I am using an Enterprise Portal not AGOL.
sedf = GeoAccessor.from_geodataframe(gdf)
#get the existing item id
feature_service_id = self.gis.content.search(query=f"title:{name}", item_type="Feature Service")[0].id
logging.info(f"feature_service_id: {feature_service_id}")
#publish as a feature layer
hosted_feature_lyr = sedf.spatial.to_featurelayer(title=name,
service={'featureServiceId': feature_service_id, 'layer': 0}
#update the description and tags, or other properties.
update_dict = {'description': f"Updated {datetime.now()}.",
'tags': [ f'{datetime.now().year}']
#share the feature layer with the organization
hosted_feature_lyr.share(everyone=False, org=True)
How can I get it to overwrite instead of making new feature layers?
Hey, I think I may be reproducing your issue. I'll have to dig into further to see if there's anything you can do, but I think logging a case with Esri Support may be a good idea.