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Publish Map Image Layer to Portal

07-02-2018 12:03 AM
Occasional Contributor


I have searched through the API and the examples, but it looks to me you can only publish a Feature Layer in Portal, when uploading content from the local desktop, using gis.content.add() and then gis.content.publish(). However, I would like to upload a feature class from a zipped File geodatabase and publish it as an Map Image Layer. Once I have done this, in Portal I will then manually configure the tile levels and generate the map tiles.  I need raster tiles because in Collector for ArcGIS you can only see labels if they have been created as raster tile images.  

The closest I got was this information, which lets you create vector tiles from a layer package: 

publishing_packages_as_web_layers | ArcGIS for Developers 

You can also access an map image layer or even an Image service from a URL. But that supposes that service has already been published.  It is the automated publishing of a Map Image Layer I would like to do. 

It is at all possible to upload and publish a feature class from a zipped File geodatabase directly as a Map Image Layer, using the arcgis.gis API?

If that is not possible, is is feasible to first create a Feature Layer and from that somehow create a Map Image Layer as a secondary item, perhaps using the arcgis.mapping export_map function (not sure how that would work though).  



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with the arcgis pro 2.2 python module sharing it is possible but I experience some issues with it

CEO the Right Direction BV/Portal Genius
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@Hugo Bouckaert did u found out solution to your problem? I also want to automate publishing of map image layer but I can only find contents for publishing feature layers. Would you mind sharing your solution to this problem?



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