trying to update hosted feature on ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1+ from local GDB
this is the Exception
Exception: 'appendUploadFormat' must be one of the following: shapefile, geojson, csv, featureCollection, excel.
in the API working with fgdb is option ,
this is the function i use for the update what am i missing ?
def append_and_update(agriplots,gdb, url,username,password):
gis = GIS(url = url, username=username, password=password)
layer_for_update = FeatureLayer(agriplots,gis)
print("Uploading File Geodatabase")
fgd_properties={'title':"Temp GDB deleted at the end", 'tags':'temp file geodatabase', 'type':'File Geodatabase'}
gdb_item = gis.content.add(item_properties=fgd_properties, data=gdb + ".zip")
print("updating... ")
result = layer_for_update.append(, upload_format="filegdb",source_table_name='AP_WGS84',return_messages=True)
delete_result = gdb_item.delete()
What a joke! So much time wasted solving all sorts of non sense issues with the File geodatabase, portal item query and so on and forth, and at the end you discover there there is the final BUG happening since more than a year ago that still hasn't been fixed...for a proprietary file format! unbelievable