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PermissionError when using Jupyter Notebooks

09-27-2023 05:34 PM
Labels (1)
New Contributor III

Hello --

I am working my way through these ArcGIS API for Python tutorials and hit a snag on this one:

At Step 4, creating a directory for the data and downloading the zip file, I get a permission error.


PermissionError                           Traceback (most recent call last)
In  [11]:
Line 4:     data_path.mkdir()

File C:\Users\JeanineF\AppData\Local\ESRI\conda\envs\arcgispro-py3-clone\lib\, in mkdir:
Line 1323:  self._accessor.mkdir(self, mode)

PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 'data'

I've looked around in these directories with a terminal window and I have correct permissions as far as I can tell (I've confirmed with our IT as well). 

Is there some conflict here I'm not understanding?



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7 Replies
MVP Notable Contributor

what does




0 Kudos
New Contributor III

It just returns


Which is not correct? That line of code creating the data_path variable looks like is should be creating a path to "data" directory within the current directory, yes?


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MVP Notable Contributor

It says "to the notebook server's current location".  So, may or may not exist or have permissions depending on where it is.

You might try creating a local folder (eg. C:\data) and hardcode the path to that folder.

data_path = r'C:\data'

You will have to update it in steps 4-6.

This will at least tell us if it is a location/permission issue.


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New Contributor III
That worked -- thanks! 
But it's still not liking the string ZIP filename. Very weird.


# configure where to save the data, and where the ZIP file is located
data_path = r'C:\gis'
###if not data_path.exists():
 ###   data_path.mkdir()
zip_path = data_path.joinpath('')
extract_path = data_path.joinpath('LA_Hub_datasets')


AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
In  [9]:
Line 5:     zip_path = data_path.joinpath('')

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'joinpath'
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MVP Notable Contributor

.joinpath is specific to the pathlib.  with the hard coded path:


zip_path = data_path + os.sep + ''
extract_path = data_path + os.sep + 'LA_Hub_datasets'


should work.



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New Contributor III

Thanks -- that did it. I had to go back and import the os module for this Notebook but that did it.

"os.sep" tells it how to connect the paths since we're not using ".joinpath" -- correct?

Thanks for your help!


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MVP Notable Contributor

Yes, os.sep is concatenating the strings together using the Operating System separator to build the path.


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