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Overwriting feature layer from SEDF produces unwated files

09-26-2024 02:55 AM
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Occasional Contributor

I have a script that updates an existing feature layer on AGOL with new data every hour. I used to use a process that truncated the layer, then added new data using something like this:


Recently this stopped working, throwing a 413 error, so as a workaround I changed the update process to:

sedf.spatial.to_featurelayer(overwrite=True, service={"featureServiceId": "xyzxyzxyzxyzx", "layer":0})

This works for updating the layer but each time it runs it adds two unwanted objects to AGOL, a file geodatabase and an associated feature layer.

Is there a way to stop these files/layers being created when using the overwrite option? Or a way to identify which files have been created so the script can delete then when it has finished overwriting the existing feature layer?

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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

This is a bug we have fixed. What version of the python api are you using?

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Occasional Contributor

I'm using v2.2.0.1

When was the fix introduced?

And what's the best place to find release annoucements to track what has changed between releases?

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