Hey there -
I am building a Jupyter notebook to help us QC before deleting Portal items. These pages (Managing your content | ArcGIS for Developers ; How To: Find dependencies in Portal for ArcGIS using ArcGIS API for Python ) provide the basics and it seems pretty straightforward. However, when I use item.dependent_to on a map layer I know is used in multiple webmaps and apps (e.g. our 'Boundaries' layer), I only get a count of items, not their IDs in the 'list' item.
The code in the notebook (note that 'source' is the gis connected to in code not shown):
item = source.content.get('5055********') #Boundaries map layer, for demo
if (item.dependent_to()['total'] == 0):
print("This item has nothing dependent upon it.")
elif (item.dependent_to()['total'] > 0):
print("This item is a dependency of these items:\n{}".format(item.dependent_to()))
The output:
Boundaries This item is a dependency of these items: {'total': 7, 'start': 1, 'num': 7, 'nextStart': -1, 'list': []} When I use the "dependent_upon" method for a webmap, the list results are populated:Transmission Basic Web Map This item is dependent upon these items: {'total': 2, 'start': 1, 'num': 2, 'nextStart': -1, 'list': [{'dependencyType': 'id', 'id': 'd9157****'}, {'dependencyType': 'url', 'url': 'https://services.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Topo_Map/MapServer'}]}
What I would like is for the 'list' results from 'dependent_to' to also be populated. Does anyone know why that isn't happening, or how to make that happen?
Note that we are using ArcGIS Enterprise and not AGOL, currently on 10.6.1.
Having the same issue here. Anyone know if there is a way to use the dependent_to() method (or any other) to determine which web maps or apps a particular hosted feature service is used in?
Thank you,
I'm also having the same issue. Was this ever resolved?