Can anyone provide me platform for learning image classification of Landsat imagery using machine algorithms(RF, SVM, DL, DT, KNN, NN) in python???? Are there tutorials regarding this where i can learn to integrate GIS and machine learning. I am new to machine learning and python so dont know the bridge between it. So tutorials would be helpful.
Have you seen the basic information links in the help topics?
Introduction to deep learning—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
or the samples on the api site
ArcGIS API for Python | ArcGIS for Developers
samples are here
arcgis-python-api/samples at master · Esri/arcgis-python-api · GitHub
Here is this sample on the developers site that has a section where LULC is performed on Landsat8 imagery using SVM classifier. Also now you can perform LULC using DL models like U-Net, here is a sample for that too.
I hope that helps.
Thank you.