Hi Changjie
You should be able to change this via the layout property, here an example:
from ipywidgets import * map.layout=Layout(flex='1 1', padding='100px', height='300px')
I don't suppose it would be the Extent property of widget or the sdf
I think the extent property controls the lat-lon of the map itself. Not the size of the plot.
Hi Changjie
You should be able to change this via the layout property, here an example:
from ipywidgets import * map.layout=Layout(flex='1 1', padding='100px', height='300px')
Thank you Matthias! I cannot believe I haven't seen this before.
Matthias, thank you for your answer. Searching for a solution within the arcgis API exhausted me. Never thought about this direction you pointed. I really appreciate it.