I'm trying to set up some Python code (in ArcGIS Pro Notebook) which aims at cloning Portal users, groups and items like in https://developers.arcgis.com/python/sample-notebooks/clone-portal-users-groups-and-content/
Cloning of users and groups is fine.
But I get errors when cloning Shapefile and File Geodatabase which are file based items :
[WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: 'C:\\Users\\O7E12~1.LEF\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ArcGISProTemp19440\\tmpagr42c_r\\Extrairelesdonnesseptembre2220202.57.15PM.zip'
File Geodatabase
[WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: 'C:\\Users\\O7E12~1.LEF\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ArcGISProTemp19440\\tmp7xrfzcrk\\diagpelousecalci.zip'
Here is my code.
from arcgis.gis import GIS
import tempfile
target_username = "xxxxxxx"
target_password = "zzzzzzz"
source = GIS("pro") # Connected Portal in ArcGIS Pro
target = GIS("https://xoxoxo.xoxoxoxo.fr/portal", target_username, target_password)
source_users = source.users.search('!esri_*')
target_users = target.users.search('!esri_*')
source_groups = source.groups.search("!owner:esri_* AND !title:\"Fond de carte\"")
target_groups = target.groups.search("!owner:esri_* AND !title:\"Fond de carte\"")
# For each user create a mapping of itemId to the Item
source_items_by_id = {}
for user in source_users:
num_items = 0
num_folders = 0
print("Collecting item ids for {}".format(user.username), end="\t\t")
user_content = user.items()
# Get item ids from root folder first
for item in user_content:
num_items += 1
source_items_by_id[item.itemid] = item
# Get item ids from each of the folders next
folders = user.folders
for folder in folders:
num_folders += 1
folder_items = user.items(folder=folder['title'])
for item in folder_items:
num_items += 1
source_items_by_id[item.itemid] = item
print("Number of folders {} # Number of items {}".format(str(num_folders), str(num_items)))
# Prepare sharing information for each item
for group in source_groups:
#iterate through each item shared to the source group
for group_item in group.content():
#get the item
item = source_items_by_id[group_item.itemid]
if item is not None:
if not 'groups' in item:
item['groups'] = []
#assign the target portal's corresponding group's name
print("Cannot find item : " + group_item.itemid)
# Copy Items
TEXT_BASED_ITEM_TYPES = frozenset(['Web Map', 'Feature Service', 'Map Service','Web Scene',
'Image Service', 'Feature Collection',
'Feature Collection Template',
'Web Mapping Application', 'Mobile Application',
'Symbol Set', 'Color Set',
'Windows Viewer Configuration'])
FILE_BASED_ITEM_TYPES = frozenset(['File Geodatabase','CSV', 'Image', 'KML', 'Locator Package',
'Map Document', 'Shapefile', 'Microsoft Word', 'PDF',
'Microsoft Powerpoint', 'Microsoft Excel', 'Layer Package',
'Mobile Map Package', 'Geoprocessing Package', 'Scene Package',
'Tile Package', 'Vector Tile Package'])
ITEM_COPY_PROPERTIES = ['title', 'type', 'typeKeywords', 'description', 'tags',
'snippet', 'extent', 'spatialReference', 'name',
'accessInformation', 'licenseInfo', 'culture', 'url']
def copy_item(target, source_item):
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
item_properties = {}
for property_name in ITEM_COPY_PROPERTIES:
item_properties[property_name] = source_item[property_name]
data_file = None
if source_item.type in TEXT_BASED_ITEM_TYPES:
# If its a text-based item, then read the text and add it to the request.
text = source_item.get_data(False)
item_properties['text'] = text
elif source_item.type in FILE_BASED_ITEM_TYPES:
# download data and add to the request as a file
data_file = source_item.download(temp_dir)
thumbnail_file = source_item.download_thumbnail(temp_dir)
metadata_file = source_item.download_metadata(temp_dir)
#find item's owner
source_item_owner = source.users.search(source_item.owner)[0]
#find item's folder
item_folder_titles = [f['title'] for f in source_item_owner.folders
if f['id'] == source_item.ownerFolder]
folder_name = None
if len(item_folder_titles) > 0:
folder_name = item_folder_titles[0]
#if folder does not exist for target user, create it
if folder_name:
target_user = target.users.search(source_item.owner)[0]
target_user_folders = [f['title'] for f in target_user.folders
if f['title'] == folder_name]
if len(target_user_folders) == 0:
#create the folder
target.content.create_folder(folder_name, source_item.owner)
#if item has a non-federated server source, add username and password in properties
if source_item.type in ('Feature Service', 'Map Service') and 'Service Proxy' in source_item.typeKeywords:
source_url = source_item.sourceUrl
item_properties['url'] = source_url
if source_url.startswith('https://non-federated.arcgis-server.fr'):
#token = target._con.token
item_properties['serviceUsername'] = "????????"
item_properties['servicePassword'] = "!!!!!!!!"
#item_properties['token'] = token
#if item is a hosted layer
if source_item.type in ('Feature Service', 'Map Service') and 'Hosted Service' in source_item.typeKeywords:
#Use 'clone_items' method so that Feature/Map Service is also created
target_item = target.content.clone_items(items=[source_item], copy_data=True, owner=source_item.owner)[0]
#for other item types
#Use 'add' method like in esri example @ https://developers.arcgis.com/python/sample-notebooks/clone-portal-users-groups-and-content/
target_item = target.content.add(item_properties, data_file, thumbnail_file,
source_item.owner, folder_name)
#Set sharing (privacy) information
share_everyone = source_item.access == 'public'
share_org = source_item.access in ['org', 'public']
share_groups = []
#if source_item.access == 'shared':
#share_groups = source_item.groups
if 'groups' in source_item:
share_groups = [group.id for group in target_groups if group.title in source_item.groups]
target_item.share(share_everyone, share_org, share_groups)
return target_item
except Exception as copy_ex:
print("\tError copying " + source_item.title)
print("\t" + str(copy_ex))
return None
source_target_itemId_map = {}
for key, source_item in source_items_by_id.items():
print("Copying {} ({}) \tfor\t {}".format(source_item.title, source_item.type, source_item.owner))
target_item = copy_item(target, source_item)
if target_item:
source_target_itemId_map[key] = target_item.itemid
source_target_itemId_map[key] = None
I guess the download method does not finish before item is added. But I don't know how to debug this.
Would you have some advice please ?
@OlivierLefevre it's been awhile since I've used the following tool, but the below should help you copy File Based items:
Thank you @JakeSkinner for your quick answer.
I already had a look at this code and it looks pretty similar to the one from https://developers.arcgis.com/python/sample-notebooks/clone-portal-users-groups-and-content/