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ERROR 000800: The value is not a member of

09-14-2017 10:40 PM
Frequent Contributor


We run the python script just exported from ModelBuilder (see below). It seems that level "564.248588" is not in a default list of scales. In that case what we should to add to the script?

import arcpy

# Local variables:
Some_Imagery = "D:\\gisdata\\imagery\\public_Some_Imagery\\Some_Imagery"
Some_Mosaic = "D:\\gisdata\\imagery\\BestMosaic.gdb\\Some_Mosaic"
# Set Geoprocessing environments
arcpy.env.parallelProcessingFactor = "95%"

# Process: Manage Tile Cache

arcpy.ManageTileCache_management(Some_Imagery , "RECREATE_ALL_TILES", "", Some_Mosaic, "ARCGISONLINE_SCHEME", "", "36111.909643;18055.954822;9027.977411;4513.988705;2256.994353;1128.497176;564.248588", "\\\\nas-bx-deliv2\\deliv2\\Imagery_Air\\HRM1031a.gdb\\Updated_2017_06\\AOI_2017_08_18", "", "591657527.591555", "564.248588")

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\testing\scripts\", line 25, in <module>
result = arcpy.ManageTileCache_management(Some_Imagery, "RECREATE_ALL_TILES", "", Some_Mosaic, "ARCGISONLINE_SCHEME", "", "36111.909643;18055.954822;9027.977411;4513.988705;2256.994353;1128.497176;564.248588", "\\\\nas-bx-deliv2\\deliv2\\Imagery_Air\\HRM1031a.gdb\\Updated_2017_06\\AOI_2017_08_18", "", "591657527.591555", "282.124294")
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.5\ArcPy\arcpy\", line 17880, in ManageTileCache
raise e
ExecuteError: ERROR 000622: Failed to execute (ManageTileCache). Parameters are not valid.
ERROR 000800: The value is not a member of 591657527.591555 [156543.033928000] (0.00 MB) | 295828763.795777 [78271.516964000] (0.00 MB) | 147914381.897889 [39135.758482000] (0.00 MB) | 73957190.948944 [19567.879241000] (0.00 MB) | 36978595.474472 [9783.939620500] (0.00 MB) | 18489297.737236 [4891.969810250] (0.00 MB) | 9244648.868618 [2445.984905125] (0.00 MB) | 4622324.434309 [1222.992452562] (0.00 MB) | 2311162.217155 [611.496226281] (1.00 MB) | 1155581.108577 [305.748113141] (5.00 MB) | 577790.554289 [152.874056570] (21.00 MB) | 288895.277144 [76.437028285] (83.00 MB) | 144447.638572 [38.218514143] (329.00 MB) | 72223.819286 [19.109257071] (1.28 GB) | 36111.909643 [9.554628536] (5.09 GB) | 18055.954822 [4.777314268] (20.37 GB) | 9027.977411 [2.388657134] (81.48 GB) | 4513.988705 [1.194328567] (325.79 GB) | 2256.994353 [0.597164284] (1.27 TB) | 1128.497176 [0.298582142] (5.09 TB).
ERROR 000800: The value is not a member of 591657527.591555 | 295828763.795777 | 147914381.897889 | 73957190.948944 | 36978595.474472 | 18489297.737236 | 9244648.868618 | 4622324.434309 | 2311162.217155 | 1155581.108577 | 577790.554289 | 288895.277144 | 144447.638572 | 72223.819286 | 36111.909643 | 18055.954822 | 9027.977411 | 4513.988705 | 2256.994353 | 1128.497176.
Failed to execute (ManageTileCache).

1 Reply
Frequent Contributor

I just got the same or a very similar error to this from Manage Tile Cache in a Python Script tool that I'd written.  I worked out that I was seeing the error because, using sample code from the documentation, I had tried to do:



import arcpy

folder = "C:/Workspace/CacheDatasets/Manage"
cacheName = "Test"
dataSource = "C:/Workspace/Cache.gdb/md"
method = "IMPORT_SCHEME"
tilingScheme = "C:/Workspace/Schemes/Tilingscheme.xml"
scales = "16000;8000;4000;2000;1000"
areaofinterest = "#"
maxcellsize = "#"
mincachedscale = 8000
maxcachedscale = 2000

       folder, mode, cacheName, dataSource, method, tilingScheme,
       scales, areaofinterest, maxcellsize, mincachedscale, maxcachedscale)



when I should have had:



mincachedscale = "8000"
maxcachedscale = "2000"


You don't seem to have made the same mistake that I did but perhaps someone else may in the future.  I think the syntax I was using came from code grabbed from a successful manual run of the tool using Copy Python Code.


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