I would like to adapt the min- and max instance per node for my service with the python api. I would like to do that with the following API arcgis.gis.server module — arcgis 1.8.0 documentation .
I'm not able to edit the service, since I have no idea what the functions exactly expects. It's written that it needs "Required dict. The service JSON as a dictionary."
So I grabed from the service the properties, edited the two properties and tried to pass the properties to the edit function.
import arcgis
from arcgis import *
from arcgis.gis import server
import json
s = server.Server("https://mystandalongeserver/site/admin",username='myuser',password='mypassword') service3 = s.services.list(folder='MyFolder',refresh=True)[3] props = service3.properties props['minInstancesPerNode'] = 2 props['maxInstancesPerNode'] = 4 service3.edit(props)
What exactly is needed to update the service? Unfortunately there's no example and the documentation doesn't say much.
Any help appreciated, thanks.
The problem seems to be the returned json from:
{ "serviceName": "MyService", "type": "MapServer", "description": "Some description.", "capabilities": "Map,Query,Data", "provider": "ArcObjects", "clusterName": "default", "minInstancesPerNode": 2, "maxInstancesPerNode": 4, "instancesPerContainer": 1, "maxWaitTime": 60, "maxStartupTime": 300, "maxIdleTime": 180, "maxUsageTime": 600, "loadBalancing": "ROUND_ROBIN", "isolationLevel": "HIGH", "configuredState": "STARTED", "recycleInterval": 24, "recycleStartTime": "04:00", "keepAliveInterval": 1800, "private": false, "isDefault": false, "maxUploadFileSize": 0, "allowedUploadFileTypes": "", "properties": {....}
The properties "private" and "isDefault" use the false-value without quotes??!!!! If I add some quotes to those values, I can hand over the properties to edit the service.
I use pyhton api for arcgis 1.7.1
From Esri support:
BUG-000091846: Boolean values in a JSON representation of a map service are not enclosed with double quotes.
This seems to solve the esri bug.
jprops = json.dumps(dict(props))