I am using an conda environment with version 2.0.0 of the Python API installed, but not arcpy. This is running on a JupyterHub deployment.
I am trying to do a spatial join of two SEDFs (point and polygons) by running the line:
points.spatial.join(polygons[['SHAPE']], how="left", op="intersects")
Unfortunately, get no positive intersections (the length of the output is the same as the points SEDF, and the index_right field is all NaN).
If I run the exact same code on the same datasets in my ArcGIS Pro environment (arcpy is present) , using the same version of the Python API (2.0.0), I get a different result, the result I would expect (i.e. some points intersect the polygons).
There is nothing in the API documentation saying the spatial join requires arcpy, so I am wondering if something else could be wrong with the JuypterHub environment, or is the documentation incorrect.
Can anyone help verify?
from arcgis.features import GeoAccessor
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
gdf_pts = gpd.read_file(r'C:\temp\point.shp')
sdf_pts = pd.DataFrame.spatial.from_geodataframe(gdf_pts)
gdf_poly = gpd.read_file(r'C:\temp\polygon.shp')
sdf_poly = pd.DataFrame.spatial.from_geodataframe(gdf_poly )
sdf_pts.spatial.join(sdf_poly[['SHAPE']], how="left", op="intersects")
This seemed to work fine for me in jupyter notebooks, are your points and polys in the same projection? have you tried other featureclasses, shapefiles, etc?
yes, everything is in the same projection - however I also do not have geopandas (and hence shapely) installed in the environment. Just the ArcGIS Python API. So possibly either shapely OR arcpy is required for intersections to work?
Hi -
I'm currently encountering a similar problem and was wondering if you ever came up with a solution to your issue.