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Creating Hub sites with Python -- Missing directory

01-24-2023 10:09 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hi there. I'm creating a tool that automates the hub site creation process. I'm getting an error from my script saying that I am missing a directory in the arcgis package.

There should be a _store directory at /usr/local/lib/dist-packages/arcgis/apps/hub/ but it's not there.

I've tried copying this folder from another installation of the package that I have but this didn't work.

I've tried reinstalling the package, but this doesn't work either.

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1 Reply
Frequent Contributor

Did you ever manage to get a site created via the API?

Was it in Enterprise or Online? I'm trying to do mine in Enterprise.

I'd be keen on sharing notes (although you started a year ago, so maybe I'd just be accessing notes!).

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