I am using a arcpy to insert rows from a feature class into another but I realize that the features in the destination are loosing their location. They are all positionned at the location of the first one.
Curiously, if I am using the SHAPE@ token for the geometry field, the features location are correct but if I use SHAPE@XY or SHAPE@JSON they are all at the location of the first feature. Also, the problem does not occur if I create the destination feature class manually with ArcMap, but only when creating it using arcpy.CreateFeatureClass_management like in the code below.
The shape type is point and the feature class is in a non-versioned dataset in 3857 (web mercator). This is a geodatabase enterprise (v10.6) with a postgresql (v9.6) database. I am using arcpy 64bits. The destination feature class has attchments enabled and it seems to be the cause of the problem (see Edit 2 below)
import os, arcpy
WORKSPACE = os.path.join(r"\\sgoappwp01", "Script", "Connections", "sgopubwt02 - PostgrSQL.sde")
INPUT_FC = os.path.join(WORKSPACE, "CollecteEncombrants", "CollecteEncombrants_Formulaire")
OUTPUT_FC = os.path.join(WORKSPACE, "CollecteEncombrants", "CollecteEncombrants_Terrain")
out_path = os.path.join(WORKSPACE, "CollecteEncombrants"),
out_name = "CollecteEncombrants_Terrain",
geometry_type = "POINT",
spatial_reference = arcpy.SpatialReference(3857),
has_m = "DISABLED",
has_z = "DISABLED"
edit = arcpy.da.Editor(WORKSPACE)
edit.startEditing(False, False)
rows = []
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(INPUT_FC, ["SHAPE@JSON"]) as sCursor:
for row in sCursor:
with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(OUTPUT_FC, ["SHAPE@JSON"]) as iCursor:
for row in rows:
Any idea what could be wrong?
EDIT: here some printed rows before and after the insert
#some rows just before being inserted
with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(OUTPUT_FC, ["SHAPE@JSON"]) as iCursor:
for row in rows:
#rows after being inserted
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(OUTPUT_FC, ["SHAPE@JSON"]) as sCursor:
for row in sCursor:
I think I have found the source of the problem. It seems it is related with the attachments.
The destination feature class has attachment enabled. If I remove the attachments the insert cursor is working as expected with SHAPE@JSON token. If I enable the attachment again, the problem is reappearing.
I still wonder why...
Can you print a few rows off using the options so we can see what is being returned compared to what is expected
That's the first thing I verified to debug, but everything seems correct with the inserted rows. You can see my edited post
I am not sure you can use SHAPE@JSON in insert cursor even the docs does not say it.
You assume the software translate automatically the json to the geometry binary in the insert, I am not sure it happened in real life.
If it is point then SHAPE@XY might work .
Is there any reason not to use SHAPE@
Have fun
What if you try the same workflow but using file geodatabase? Knowing whether it is EGDB related or a larger issue would be a good step.
Very good suggestion but meanwhile I think I have found the source of the problem. It seems it is related with the attachments.
The destination feature class has attachment enabled. If I remove the attachments the insert cursor is working as expected with SHAPE@JSON token. If I enable the attachment again, the problem is reappearing.
I still wonder why...