Possibly something for Ideas, but perhaps others have input before I suggest something. I'm calculating distances in a notebook on a Spatially Enabled Dataframe. The SDF has just over 5,300 records, SR is 4326.
Using %time in Jupyter (shame you can't use magics in Pro 2.5 notebooks interface), I run the same function twice, the only difference being the code line below:
arcgis.geometry.distance(sr, sdf_row['SHAPE'], prev_row['SHAPE'], 9001, True)['distance']
Wall time: 1h 2min
from geopy.distance import geodesic ... geodesic((sdf_row['SHAPE'].y, sdf_row['SHAPE'].x), (prev_row['SHAPE'].y, prev_row['SHAPE'].x)).meters
Wall time: 2.46 s
That is a staggering difference. There's no difference in the results given a reasonable precision.
count 5394.0000000000 mean -0.0000000018 std 0.0000000030 min -0.0000000141 25% -0.0000000025 50% -0.0000000006 75% 0.0000000001 max 0.0000000034 Name: diff, dtype: float64 Why is arcgis.geometry.distance so slow? Cheers m
I have the same issue -- any updates would be much appreciated.