Using ArcGIS API for Python V 2.3.0 I cannot append a CSV item or hosted table published from that CSV item to records to another hosted table.
The target table is a table in a feature layer with other tables and features. The CSV was prepared with the same schema as the target table and uploaded from a local file to AGOL. I attempted to publish the csv so that I could append the hosted table created from publishing to another hosted table but my three attempts below failed.
The final attempt using was a last ditch effort that actually worked by passing the service urls.
Can someone help me figure out why the ArcGIS API for Python isn't working in this case?
I had a more complex set of functions that enables this process but simplified the code for this post below.
import arcgis
import arcpy
gis = GIS()
item_id = 'xyz'
acc_table = 1
dest_table = gis.content.get(item_id).tables[acc_table]
csv_item = cm.add(item_properties = {
'type': 'CSV',
'title': title,
'tags': '',
'typeKeywords': "CSV"
data = local_csv_file)
analyzed = gis.content.analyze(item=csv_item)
publish_params = analyzed['publishParameters']
publish_params['name'] = title
publish_params['locationType'] = None
published_item = csv_item.publish(publish_params)
dest_table.append(item_id =, upload_format = 'featureCollection', source_table_name = published_table.tables[0]
dest_table.append(item_id =, upload_format = 'featureService', source_table_name = published_table.tables[0]
dest_table.append(item_id =, upload_format = 'csv', source_table_name =, source_info = publish_params, update_geometry = False)
#Works[0].url, dest_table.url, "NO_TEST")
Hi @gis_bCapell
for your append, try the below...where your source_info is the object returned from the analyze() call, which in your case is the "analyzed" variable.
analyzed = agol.content.analyze(
item =,
file_type = "csv",
geocoding_service = None,
location_type = None
item_id =, # the CSV Item object id
upload_format = 'csv',
source_info = analyzed, # the object returned from the analyzed() call
upsert = False
No need to publish the CSV item to a Service in this workflow, the CSV item is sufficient.
Let me know how it goes.
Interesting approach. Thanks for the feedback. I have moved on from this workflow, but will consider this if I encounter it again.