Hey guys,
I create an Image Collection like this:
raster_type_name="Raster Dataset",
And the I want to generate mulytdimensional Info. Therefore I need to add a Date Attribut to the Image Collection. I try it like this but it does not work because I cant save the edits like ist
item = gis.content.get("31d7b96dc76d4caf9976a786e70572e0")
imgLayer = item.layers[0]
feature_set = imgLayer.query("OBJECTID>-1")
for feature in feature_set:
feature.attributes["Datum"] = "2023-12-14 15:55:00"
# Aktualisiere die Daten auf dem Server
update_result = imgLayer.edit_features(updates=feature_set)
Do you have an Idea ? According to functions like this arcgis.raster.analytics.generate_multidimensional_anomaly, it has to be possible
Best regards