Hey there,
I'm trying to recreate making a dlpk using SAMLoRA (new feature in 2.3.0) that I did using a school computer a few weeks ago using ArcPRO/jupyter notebooks.
However, my employer's ArcPRO has arcgis 2.2.3 and I've done everything to try and clone and update the environment, but that gives a bunch of errors.
I've even created a new environment with my ArcPRO Python command prompt and installed 2.3.0 with:
conda install -c esri arcgis==2.3.0
conda install -c esri deep-learning-essentials
But the deep-learning-essentials is getting errors on download.
If I do get something somewhat working, it's giving errors by the time I import argis.learn
Please help a very baby python user! I'm going mad trying to make it work.
check their anaconda site for install info and the required files to see if that works
Deep Learning Essentials :: Anaconda.org
Thanks! When I do Conda install esri::arcgis it installs arcgis esri/win-64::arcgis-, shouldn't it install the latest version (2.3.0)?