Configure the Land Use Public Notification to accept 0' buffer distance

06-10-2015 02:39 PM
Occasional Contributor II

Is it possible to configure the Land Use Public Notification application to accept a buffer of 0 feet. My goal is to simple select a set of parcels with the "Add adjacent parcels" option and only make labels from that selection set.

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26 Replies
Occasional Contributor II

I've been hammering on the zero buffer issue for days. For me it will return results...but the results are outlandish. For a selection of just a few parcels, a zero buffer returns 50 pages of labels. I've tried the develop branch and there's no relief. Also, aside from the zero buffer issue the correct parcel selection doesn't show up on the screen. The labels get generated for all the parcels despite not being displayed. I'm thinking it must be a data related issue since it seems to work with the esri data/services. I'm going to try eliminating all overlapping polys next to see where that gets me. It'd be wonderful if esri ported this functionality to an AGOL solution. These kind of apps are cool, but can be very difficult to get working right. Let me know if you figure anything out.


I edited the infoWindow.js file to get this working for me. I did a find/replace substituting the LOWPARCELID with PARCELID everywhere it occurred in the file. I'm not entirely sure why the code doesn't use something that is unique and invariably populated like OBJECTID instead of LOWPARCELID here, but it must need a text field. In any event, maybe this tweak will work for others who are having the zero buffer issue.

New Contributor

Did changing the LOWPARCELID with PARCELID also help with showing the correct parcel selection or did it just fix the 0' buffer? I have been running into these same issues myself. 

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Occasional Contributor II

It only fixed the 0 buffer issue. I haven’t found a solution for the display issue, but from what I can tell, it isn’t related to the selection itself. Labels are created as they should be. Also, I wouldn’t suspect it has anything to do with the data itself. It happens if I publish the app using the esri sample data too. The only place I’ve seen it work properly is on the try it site.

New Contributor

That is good to know. I am guessing it's just their polygon tool not working properly then. At least it does create labels for all the ones you would want though. 

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New Contributor

For some reason my application still does not accept the 0 foot buffer. It says geometry is undefined. 

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Occasional Contributor II

Here's what I'm running for infoWindow.js

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Occasional Contributor II

Changing the LOWPARCELID with PARCELID in the infoWindow.js file corrected the 0' buffer issue for me. I was not having a problem with selections or the selection graphic. Interestingly though, I've found that if you don't have the LowParcelIdentification defined, you will get the selection graphic that only shows one parcel selected. It doesn't have to be defined with nay specific field, just something. For example, I have it defined as an OWNERNAME field.

Update, I tried applying this change to other apps I've implemented and I'm still getting the Cannot read property 'expand' of undefined error. One I even completely copied the app that worked across and just changed the main config file back to the app in question and it still gets the error.