In 4.5 the Popup's featureMenu doesn't render svg or base64 encoded images, however in 4.4 both these rendered as expected.
I'm injecting some icons into the popup's title and it renders correctly in the title but not the featureMenu. Is there a way to get this working again or is this behavior now by design?
I've attached a couple images to show what I'm seeing. This behavior is exhibited in Chrome, IE, Edge, and Safari across both macOS and Windows.
Image rendered correctly in the title
Img not rendered in featureMenu
Thanks for any ideas you may have.
This appears to be a bug in 4.5. You should contact tech support and report this or get your customer number added to the bug for escalation of this.
Thanks, I've submitted a case request via support.
If anybody is following this, Esri has recorded a bug for this issue: BUG-000108919 “PopupTemplate's FeatureMenu does not render base64 images in ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.5”.