layerView.queryExtent returns null if features are not in current map extent

09-02-2021 07:46 AM
Occasional Contributor II

I'm using the follow snippet of code to zoom to the extent of graphics in a featurelayer. It works great when the map starts at the full extent. If I remove some graphics and add new graphics that are in an area that is not currently visible on the map, the queryExtent returns a null extent. However, if I add code to zoom to the full extent of the map first, then the queryExtent returns the extent. Anyone know how I can get this to work without zooming home each time I want to zoom to the extent of the layer? 

    function zoomToLayer(layer) {

        /*first zoom to home to get around queryExtent bug. 
         Getting the queryExtent for a  layerview does not work if the 
         extent of the features is not visible in the map */
            center: [-94.25,45.98],
            zoom: 7
        view.whenLayerView(layer).then((layerView=> {
            var handle ="updating"function(val) {
                // wait for the layer view to finish updating
                if (!val) {
                  layerView.queryExtent().then(function(response) {
                    //remove the layer updating watch handler
                    // go to the extent of all the graphics in the layer view

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4 Replies
Frequent Contributor

The LayerView only has features that are currently displayed in the browser. When you query the extent of them, it only has the information to calculate the extent of displayed features. If you need the true extent of the data source, you can use the layer.queryExtentI() method or if defined, layer.fullExtent property of the layer.

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Occasional Contributor II

Glad to have that explanation. I'm not sure I can switch to using layer.queryExtent because I'm working with a client side FeatureLayer. According to the documentation: 

"Note that when working with client-side FeatureLayers, you will need to call queryExtent() on the FeatureLayerView to see the expected behavior."

Any other suggestions? 



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Frequent Contributor

Are you using applyEdits to add features to the layer or adding them via source when creating it?  If that's the case, you can still use layer.queryExtent() and it will work. It's still client-side.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi there, 

@ReneRubalcava is 100% correct. Please use the FeatureLayer.queryExtent() to zoom to the full extent of all features stored in your client-side feature collection especially if the features are being added or removed.

I will update the sample description accordingly since it is outdated.


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