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Labels missing in Print output

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10-17-2018 06:27 PM
Regular Contributor

Labels show on the map without issuesHi,

I am trying to print secured services and it works fine for most of the part except that the labeling info does not show on the print output.

While I am preparing the map, the labels do appear, but do not show up on print output.

I am using ESRI JS API v3.25.

var labelJson = {
"labelExpressionInfo": { "expression": "" },
"useCodedValues": false,
"labelPlacement": ""

labelJson.labelExpressionInfo.expression = "CONCATENATE([$feature.NAME, $feature.CLASS], ' / ')";
labelJson.labelPlacement = "above-right";

var labelSymbol = new textSymbol();

var lblClass = new labelClass(labelJson);
lblClass.symbol = labelSymbol;
printFeatLyrEquipment.setLabelingInfo([lblClass]); //this is a Feature layer


Not sure why is it not printing the labels...any clues?

Thanks in advance!


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1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Regular Contributor feature layers don't seem to support labels while printing.

I turned on the relevant layers from the dynamic service using setVisibleLayers() and apply definition query/label expression using setDefinitionExpression()setDynamicLayerInfos() respectively - and the labels appear beautifully in the print output!!!



View solution in original post

8 Replies
Regular Contributor feature layers don't seem to support labels while printing.

I turned on the relevant layers from the dynamic service using setVisibleLayers() and apply definition query/label expression using setDefinitionExpression()setDynamicLayerInfos() respectively - and the labels appear beautifully in the print output!!!



Emerging Contributor

Is it possible to post your solution here? We have the same problem. We are using FeatureLayer and labels are missing when exported as pdf/image. Thanks

0 Kudos
Regular Contributor
Hello Reagan,
I cannot post the entire solution, but the main snippets on labeling are shown below.
I Hope it helps.
PS: I replied to your email but the mail bounced back.
if (readyToPrint) {
                    $.when(ExportMapOverview()).done(function () {
                        $.when(AddPrintLayers(selectedPrintTemplate)).done(function () {

                            $.when(OverlayMapGrid()).done(function () {
                                setTimeout(TriggerPrintJob3000); //otherwise labels don't make it to the output!

                            readyToPrint = false;
function PrepareLabellingInfo(lblFields) {
    if (lblFields.indexOf(",") > 0) {
        labelAttr = "CONCATENATE([";

        $.each(lblFields.split(","), function (indx, val) {
            labelAttr += "$feature." + val.trim() + ",";

        labelAttr = labelAttr.slice(0, labelAttr.lastIndexOf(","));
        labelAttr += "],',')"//separator is ','
        labelAttr = "$feature." + lblFields;
function TriggerPrintJob() {
    var printTemplateObj, printParams, printTaskObj;

    printTaskObj = new printTask(printGPTaskUrl + "?token=" + token);
    printTemplateObj = new printTemplate();
    printParams = new printParameters();

    printTemplateObj.exportOptions = {
        width: pageWidth,
        height: pageHeight,
        dpi: pageDpi

    printTemplateObj.format = "PNG32";
    printTemplateObj.layout = "MAP_ONLY"; = map;
    printParams.template = printTemplateObj;

    var Web_Map_as_JSON = printTaskObj._getPrintDefinition(map, printParams);
    delete Web_Map_as_JSON.operationalLayers[0].token;

    //add export options
    var expOptions = ', "exportOptions":{"outputSize":[' + pageWidth + ',' + pageHeight + '],"dpi":' + pageDpi + '}';
    var strWebMapJson = JSON.stringify(Web_Map_as_JSON);
    Web_Map_as_JSON = strWebMapJson.slice(0, strWebMapJson.lastIndexOf('}')) + expOptions + '}';

    var payLoad = {

    //call execute endpoint via XHR
        type: "POST",
        url: printGPTaskUrl + "?token=" + token,
        data: payLoad,
        success: printSuccess

    function printSuccess(result) {
        readyToPrint = false;

        var resultJson = JSON.parse(result);

        if (resultJson.error == null) {//success
            printImgSrc = resultJson.results[0].value.url;

            var printPageElements = '{' +
                                    '"templateName" : "' + selectedPrintTemplate + '",' +
                                    '"imageSource" : "' + printImgSrc + '",' +
                                    '"overviewImageSource" : "' + overviewImgSrc + '",' +
                                    '"mapExtents" : "' + map.extent.xmin + ';' + map.extent.ymin + ';' + map.extent.xmax + ';' + map.extent.ymax + '",' +
                                    '"mapScale" : "' + map.getScale() + '",' +
                                    '"remarks" : "' + document.getElementById("txtRemarks").value + '"' +

            localStorage.setItem("printPageElements", printPageElements);


            $.when(RemovePrintLayers(selectedPrintTemplate)).done(function () {
        else {
            readyToPrint = false;

            alert("Error generating print!\nPlease contact administrator.");
            console.log("Error generating print - " + resultJson.error.message);

            $.when(RemovePrintLayers(selectedPrintTemplate)).done(function () {
0 Kudos
Esri Regular Contributor

Just to chime in here, there are a couple of caveats about printing labels with FeatureLayers:

  • Labels currently cannot be printed as part of a FeatureLayer with ArcGIS Server 10.5.1 or any Printing Service published with ArcMap.

PrintTask | API Reference | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.9 

  • Currently the labelsVisible property must be explicitly set to true for labels to be printed.

FeatureLayer | API Reference | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.9 


Occasional Contributor

So if I understand well with 4.9 API it is not possible to print FeatureLayer labels but with older 3.xx this is possible?

I have same problem and I'm using 4.9 js API.

0 Kudos
Esri Regular Contributor

This should work fine at 4.9. I am pretty sure that printing labels has been supported since labeling was introduced to 2D MapViews at version 4.8. What sort of issue are you seeing?

0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor

We now use view.takeScreenshot() but labels added to view as labelClass didn't show on result image of PrintTask

var labelClass = {
// autocasts as new LabelClass()
symbol: {
type: "text", // autocasts as new TextSymbol()
color: "white",
haloColor: "black",
labelPlacement: "above-center",
labelExpressionInfo: {
expression: "Round($feature.CALCACRES,2)"

cluLayer = new w.FeatureLayer({url: url,
labelingInfo: [labelClass],
renderer: renderer

0 Kudos
Esri Regular Contributor

I think in this case the labelsVisible property must be explicitly set to true for labels to be printed.

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