I can log in into my portal, but I cannot log out.
The log in starts after click a bottom.
This is my code (from https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/api-reference/esri-portal-Portal.html#methods-summar...😞
// load the Portal and PortalQueryParams modules
], function(Portal, PortalQueryParams) {
portal = new Portal();
// Setting authMode to immediate signs the user in once loaded
portal.authMode = "immediate";
// Once portal is loaded, user signed in
portal.load().then(function() {
// Create query parameters for the portal search
// This object autocasts as new PortalQueryParams()
let queryParams = {
query: "owner:" + portal.user.username,
sortField: "numViews",
sortOrder: "desc",
num: 20
// Query the items based on the queryParams created from portal above
Then the login windows is opened:
And all works fine, I insert my credential and I can work with it.
Then I want to log out to consent to other users to login, but I can't find in the documentation the way.
I tried:
portal.user = null
portal = false
delete portal;
But if I click the login bottom, the login windows doesn't appear and the old user is already connected!
Solved! Go to Solution.
Portal load kicks in the IdentityManager authentication workflow. So you can use the IdentityManager destroyCredentials() method to sign out.
Portal load kicks in the IdentityManager authentication workflow. So you can use the IdentityManager destroyCredentials() method to sign out.
Yes, thanks, this works for me: