GeometryEngine (or similar) on NodeJS

08-15-2018 10:50 PM
New Contributor

Hi, I have a requirement to generate a report and it will require looping through features and test for spatial intersect with other features (and layer and services) eventually causing 500+ request in one run. Obviously, that is not the approach we would like to take, and as it's the nodejs script that is supposed to handle all this, I thought would be great just to get all the data from the related services, and then just do the intersection test on the node itself.

The question is, is there any chance that I could use whatever esri api that would allow me to do the spatial queries locally, just like the esri's js api geometryEngine ?


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3 Replies
MVP Emeritus

There is not a nodeJS version of the geometryEngine available. The geometryEngine is a clientside class so doing 500+ operations does not mean 500+ requests to the server or anything. The JS API team uses the geometry engine to do intersect operations on a mouse move (so potentially 1000s of calls) so you should not be concerned. 

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New Contributor

Hi Robert,

Seems like there is a slight misunderstanding. I'm not using geometry engine at all at the moment as this report generating tool has no interface.

The requests will be physical network request as it's all on nodejs that will be providing some of our rest API for reporting. E.g. someone will request the report and it will fire of a series of ESRI'S rest API queries as the queried features are scattered in multiple layers in multiple services..and that is for each polygon of interest, those might be eventually 100.

My idea is to query all the services that carry the relevant data, and do the intersection analysis on nodejs locally, seems like turfjs might be of some

Thank you


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MVP Emeritus

OK,  So the issue is that there is no GeometryEngine like code available for nodeJS that I am aware of.

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